Chapter 7

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"I just don't understand why nobody believes me...", he pressed out as he was overwhelmed by sobs again. She held him close, caressing his back, shoulders and arms: "Some people believe you, Angel...but sadly many people out there are stupid and full of prejudice. People like that will never understand those things." He scooted even closer to her, pressing his body against hers for comfort: "Not even my mom believes me, Vic...and...and I have seen the comments. They tell me to kill myself and...and I am scared that I will. B-because sometimes I overreact and I...I do things I don't even want to do...and...and it scares me." It was good that he was admitting those things, though it was really hard to listen to as well. "I won't let that happen, Angel...I promise. I know some of those comments are really hard to read. I know, they call you names and say really really fucked up things but eventually, they will stop. It's always been like that. But until then, we gotta stay strong. I already tried to put them in their place...I don't think it did much but maybe it convinced at least some of them. And your mom...I'm sure she will come around at one point. Maybe it's just the first shock...maybe she just doesn't know how to handle this situation.", she tried her best to somehow convince him but it was hard because she really didn't know what would happen with the public and his mom. "It just hurts so fucking much that nobody believes me.", he looked up at her, his eyes red and filled with tears. "I know...I know, Baby. But Ethan and Thomas believe you...and I believe you. And we will always be there for you.", she assured him and grabbed his hand again, placing a gentle kiss on his still fresh wound. That had worked before, so why not now. And it did because almost instantly, he relaxed at least a little. She could tell that he felt safe with her...and she was kinda proud of herself because if she compared the beginning of the tour with the situation now, she had achieved quite some things. She closed her eyes for a second and before she knew it, she had drifted off.

The next morning, her whole body hurt. They had fallen asleep on the bathroom floor, so that hadn't been the most comfortable night of her life. Before breakfast, she quickly took a shower with him, once again having to face the awkward situation of washing him down there as well. Then, they joined the others for breakfast in the kitchen.

Lucinda was already awake as well, flashing him a disgusted look when they walked in...most likely because he was only wearing a shirt, so his scars were showing. They sat down and once again, she prepared a small bowl of cereal for him. She knew he wouldn't like being fed in front of his mother but she couldn't let him avoid eating again. "You want to try eating alone?", she whispered but he shook his head: "I don't wanna eat, Vic...I'm not hungry." She sighed but nodded, bringing the spoon to his mouth. He stared at it, seemingly not wanting to eat but he knew there was no use in refusing, so he reluctantly opened his mouth. "That's fucking are a man, so fucking act like it.", Lucinda spat at him which made him wince. Victoria took a deep breath, trying to keep calm: "Can you please stop that. If we don't do it like this your son will starve. And you know why? Because he is suffering...his inner demons prevent him from being able to eat, to shower, to sleep. He needs me...he is so so strong but sometimes even the strongest people need help. So, please...I would be extremely thankful if you could just let us finish this." After that, she was quiet, though it was obvious that she had to restrain herself from making another mean comment. He seemed completely frozen, so she gently rubbed his shoulder: "It's okay,'re doing really well." He shook his head, looking extremely pale: "I feel sick, Vic...I feel so fucking sick."

She knew he was close to a breakdown, so she got up, holding out his hand for him: "Come on...let's go..." He looked at her with big eyes: "Go where?" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet: "We're going for a really need that right now." And with that, she guided him outside. He was holding her hand, constantly looking around as if he was afraid of being attacked by someone: "'s okay. We're in the middle of nowhere. The next village is more than 10 minutes away. Nobody is going to judge you." He tightened his grip on her hand: "Where are we going?" She smiled a little bit: "To the lake...I feel like we both need that right now..." After that, there was silence for a while. They were walking through the wooded area, just enjoying the alone time in nature...they had left their phones behind. After a while, they reached the huge turquoise lake...the water was incredibly clear. They sat down by the shore and he finally spoke up again: "I know that's weird to say because I am the one who constantly needs help are you? I mean...I can see that all of that is extremely hard for you too...and I'm sorry for not being able to help you..." She was surprised...she hadn't expected him to talk about her feelings. She looked at him, a tired smile on her lips while she squeezed his hand: "I'm okay...I mean,'s hard and sometimes I have to hold things back...but I can manage. Thanks for asking." Now he was the one pulling her into a hug. She basically melted into his arms, inhaling the familiar scent that somehow always made her feel better. "I'm sorry for not being a better boyfriend...but I promise...if you ever need to cry, I'll be there for you just like you are always there for me.", his voice was so gentle and loving, it made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. "Thank you...really...that means a lot to me." It amazed her how much those words helped her. They were comforting and she hadn't realized how much she needed that comfort. Even though they were just words, they felt like a warm embrace.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey :)

So, todays chapter is a bit early because I am a bit busy this afternoon but I hope you like it anyway :)

Do you think his mother will learn to understand his situation? What will happen on the lake? Do you think it's good that he's trying to be there for her as well? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now