Chapter 23

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She pulled away, looking at him in shock: "What did you say?", she asked in disbelief. "Carla...she...she's back...", he repeated, his voice becoming even more shaky than it had already been. That couldn't be true...why would she be back? "What do you mean, baby? Has she done something to you? Has she contacted you, Angel? Tell me.", she demanded in a soft voice, though stumbling through her words as she was extremely nervous and anxious at that point. "She texted me...she wants me to meet her...probably I don't know what to do, Vic...I have no fucking clue what to do and I'm so fucking scared.", he sobbed, hiding his face in her shoulder. She felt a sickness rising up in her stomach...what a disgusting woman. She felt a bit overwhelmed, not knowing what to do or how to help him: "I won't let her hurt you, I promise. We'll find a solution. We'll get her to prison. She needs to be in jail for what she has been doing to you." She had no idea how to achieve that but she needed to assure give him strength and more importantly hope. What they definitely didn't need right now was a worse breakdown than he already had right now...she already had the horrible feeling that he was falling back into worse self harm. Once again the thought she had had before crossed her mind: Everything was repeating itself. All of that felt like a bad joke. She had thought that they were finally walking towards the sun but instead everything was getting dark again.

She sat down on the floor and Damiano did the same. "You know what we'll do? You'll go to that meeting with her...and you'll have to be brave for me, okay? I need you to be there because I'll then call the police and they'll arrest her, I promise." On the instant, his whole body got tense and he began to shake horribly: "You can't be serious, Vic...I can't do that. She'll hurt me...she'll force me to have...s-sex with her. I can't possibly do that, Vic...please don't make me do that.", his voice was so pleading, it almost made her cry. "I know, Angel...I know but we need to do this. We need to get her arrested. We already have enough problems with those unsupportive haters. The last thing we need right now is Carla on our backs. I will do everything I can possibly do to make sure she doesn't hurt you." He shook his head desperately but she didn't back down: "Listen, I know it's scary but as soon as that's over, we can really get you better. You were already on a good way but I think we need her gone in order for you to be able to deal with your trauma." She knew just how absurd that sounded but in her opinion that was the only way. "Listen, Angel...if I didn't think it was absolutely necessary, I wouldn't ask you to do this but the truth is: We don't have any evidence of anything she has ever done to you. The police needs to see it...they need to be there in order to get her arrested and eventually put her to trial." He wiped his eyes, now rocking back and forth just a tiny little bit, like a scared toddler: "I don't know if I can recover from another...another s-session with her." She grabbed both of his hands: "You can handle it, Angel...I know you can. We did it once and we can do it again...definitely. I promise you that, okay? Together, we can do this." He swallowed and she could almost feel the lump in his throat that he must have had at that point: "O-okay...I trust you, Vic...I...I'll do it." And just like that, the plan was sealed.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey :)

So, here's the deal: I've been writing many chapters in advance the past month, so I can come back to weekly updates. I'm in my final year of school, so as you can probably imagine, I have a lot going on but I am doing my best, so I'll try to update once a week or at the very least once every two weeks. I hope you understand :)

Anyway, what do you think of their plan? Do you think it will work? Will it mess him up even more or will it enable him to finally get better? Maybe even both? Let me know what you think in the comments :)

As always, thank you for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now