Chapter 18

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A week later, he seemed to be doing a little better. Maybe her words had made an impact after all. He even managed to eat a whole meal during lunch which made her incredibly proud. Later, that afternoon, they were all just hanging out by the pool. He looked a lot more relaxed than usually and while she was aware of the fact that they still had a long road ahead of them, she was quite certain that he was finally on the way of getting better...that they were finally making progress. "Guys...we have been missing from social media for over a month now...maybe it's time to make an appearance.", Ethan suggested in a calm yet somewhat nervous voice: "Don't get me wrong, we can wait as long as you need to but we can't avoid it forever. But we definitely need to think about it carefully. We can't just go and make a furious live stream..." That part was definitely dedicated to her which made her blush a little but she nodded in agreement: "Yeah...I think you're right. We should just make a live stream where we sit down and talk about it calmly...maybe try to get them to be respectful. There are still supportive fans out there...I think they might just be scared to speak up sometimes because of the shitstorm that's going to come at them for doing so. Maybe we can encourage them to be brave and speak up." Now, Damiano started speaking: "It sounds nice when you say it like that but be honest, the chances of them not speaking up are way higher than the chances of them acting. What if everything just goes to hell again? You know me and I know myself...we both know that I won't be able to handle another thing like the last incident." She sighed...he also had a point: "I believe in you, Angel...and even if we fall back again, it doesn't matter...we will always manage to get through it. And maybe they actually start listening...maybe it would be a good idea for you to say some words too. I know it's gonna be hard for you but we need the support. Maybe not right now but eventually we have to go and face the real world and then we will need as many people who have our backs as possible. I think that if we manage to get some fans to speak up, more and more will join them. Some of them might need some of the peer pressure in order to support us again." Damiano looked down at his hands, seemingly contemplating whether or not this was a good idea but eventually he nodded a bit: "Okay...let's do it...but not today...let's do it tomorrow evening."

The same night, he seemed to have trouble sleeping, constantly moving around the bed. After a while, she sat up: "Get up, Angel...we're going for a walk." He turned to look at her: "A walk? Now? It's like 3 in the morning." She got up, holding out her hand for him: "So? It wouldn't be the first time we're doing something like this.", she smirked and grabbed her shoes. He seemed to like the idea, putting on a hoodie before leaving the room with her together. They had to be extremely quiet in order to not wake the others but as soon as they were out of the house she felt a sense of freedom she hadn't felt in a very long time. She was holding his hand, already knowing their destination. They didn't even have to discuss it. They were connected in such a deep level, no words needed to be spoken aloud in order for them to know exactly what the plan was now. It was as if they were simply following their destiny...every little step felt right.

The lake looked absolutely beautiful. The moon was reflecting in the crystal clear water and Damiano's eyes finally had their lively sparkle back. Of course, she knew there would still be breakdowns ahead of them, but overall, he was slowly getting better which made everything a lot easier for her as well. "Wanna go into the water, Angel?", she asked, hoping he would say yes, which he thankfully did. They got rid of their clothes, only keeping underwear on. She could feel the comfortable warmth of the wind on her was cozy, even though it was night. That was one of the huge advantages of living in Italy. As soon as their bodies were covered in the warm water, he almost instantly pulled her closer, his hands resting on her hips. "All of this is thanks to you, Vic...I don't think I'd still be alive without you.", he whispered, softly kissing her forehead. She blushed a bit: "Don't say're extremely strong and you would have made it without me as well...I am just here to support you when it's needed." "Just shut up and accept that you are a lifesaver, Vic...", after that, his lips found their way onto hers and once again, she could read so many things through this kiss. She could feel that there was still lots of trauma that was holding him back but she could also tell that he was more confident than last time. It gave her hope. That sounded stupid but it was true. Having him kiss her that way made her feel hopeful for a better period of time. Maybe he would finally be able to open up to her completely and through that they could start working on stopping the self harm. Maybe their relationship would get a little healthier. And maybe, just maybe there was hope of getting the old Damiano back.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

First of all, I'm sorry, I had no internet connection whatsoever the past few days so I wasn't able to upload...but hey, I'm back :) Also, I updated my schedule. Make sure to look at it because this week I will start uploading the story about Thomas and Ethan.

Do you think there really is a chance of him getting better now? Or do you think something will happen that will throw them back in their steps again? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now