Chapter 17

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To her complete and utter surprise, he didn't stop talking after that. In fact, he started opening up even more: "They tied me to the bed...tore clothes off and then they...they took turns. It was 2 other girls and a guy...and Carla, of course. They made me have sex with them...they made me touch them and they also touched me...they r-raped me...with all kinds of things. At first I was screaming and begging them to stop...but after a while, I just became numb...I was crying but I was too numb and exhausted to scream." She was fighting her own tears but kept on caressing his cheek to help him stay calm. "Eventually, when shoving objects into me didn't satisfy them anymore, they started beating me up...calling me names...cutting me with knives...I don't know for how long but it felt like hours...until I passed only happened this one time but it was the most painful and horrifying experience of my life and I still have nightmares about that day...and I'm scared...I'm scared because I can't get rid of the thought that it will happen again someday."

After that, she was completely speechless and shocked. She could not understand why anyone would ever do that to another person...especially a lovable and amazing guy like Damiano. She pulled him close to her chest, letting her own tears run free. "I...I'm so sorry, baby. You should've never had to go through this. I know that's hard to believe for you right now, but you are worth so much more than they ever will be. Listen, Angel...I know that might sound crazy and scary to you but we need to go to the police and file a report. They need to pay for what they did to you...especially Carla." He immediately shook his head, tightening his grip around her: ", are you crazy? I...I can't do that. I have zero evidence...nothing at all. They're gonna think I'm making it up...nobody's gonna believe already know that...nobody ever believes me with this story...especially not the police. A-and Carla said if...if I ever do something like that, she will just turn the story around and say that I did those things to her. A-and then they...they're gonna believe her instead of me b-because she's a woman." She sighed in frustration...she knew he was right. Of course, going to the police would be the right thing to do but deep down she knew that it wouldn't work as they didn't have any evidence or witnesses at all. "I'll think of something, Damiano...I promise.", she assured him, calmingly rubbing his back while hiding her own face in his shoulder. It was very obvious that both of them needed each other's comfort equally. He seemed to feel that too as he began caressing her lower back as well. Just this small gesture alone made her feel at least ten times better...just knowing he was there for her as well made a huge difference. She just needed a plan to gather some evidence...but that was easier said than done. How was she supposed to gather any kind of evidence in a rape case without endangering Damiano? Of course, a video tape would be most effective but that would mean that she would have to put Damiano through the horrors of being raped again and that was absolutely impossible. Maybe she could get Carla to admit it somehow? No, Carla wasn't stupid...she would never admit something like that openly. She shook her head to snap out of her thoughts...right now wasn't the time to think about that. She needed to focus her attention on Damiano.

She grabbed a tissue and began to dry his face with it: "I'm incredibly proud of you, Angel. I know how hard it is to talk about all of that but I promise, you are doing great." He shook his head, clinging onto her: "I'm not doing great...not at all. Just look at me, Vic...I'm a mess. I'm constantly crying even though I am fucking sick and tired of it...I'm scared, anxious and I want to hurt is any of this the definition of doing great?" His voice sounded completely broken. She could understand why he felt that way...she really could but sometimes it was tiring to explain everything to him over and over again, but still, she did it yet again: "And that's totally alright, love. You are doing great because you are starting to open up. The more you tell me the better I can try to help you. And considering how hard this topic is to talk about, you managed just fine. That's why I think you're doing great. It doesn't matter that you're crying a lot, Angel. I get that you don't want to but it might be the best way to relieve some of your pain. There is a reason behind your crying: It helps you deal with all the different emotions and all the pain you're feeling. That's why it is so important for you to let the tears out instead of holding them's not a sign of just shows that your mind and body already know that you're suffering and that they're trying to make it easier for you. Being scared and anxious is the most normal reaction you could have after what you've been through, so there is no need to be embarrassed because of it either. You actually have way less anxiety and panic attacks than I would've expected because honestly, you've experienced so much horror. You know, if you get really bad anxiety, I will be there to help you through it...just like I always do. And lastly, the self's not something I support but I understand why you do it and how it helps you cope. For now, that's okay...but eventually we will have to work on stopping it. That's gonna be hard, no doubt about that but we will manage. For now though, we're gonna leave it like it is because I think we need to start working on your general mental health first because honestly, I don't think you will be able to stop hurting yourself with your current mental state. That's not a bad thing, don't get me wrong here. It's okay because I'll always be right by your side when it happens to make sure that you'll be okay. And you know why? Because I love you to death. I already said it before and I'll say it again: I would die for you...I would give my life to see you happy. You mean the world to me, Damiano and nothing you're going through can change that. This is all part of you and part of the reason why I fell in love with you. You're very special, Angel."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

I already started writing the story about Thomas and Ethan and I will most likely start posting it next week, so keep an eye out for it. I will of course tell you as soon as I upload the first chapter and I will post the schedule on my page :)

So, what do you think about Damiano opening up? Do you think there might have been even worse things that happened to him? Do you think he still has some secrets or is everything out in the open now? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now