Chapter 29

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After that call, she had immediately thrown her bags into her car. It was a 2 hour long drive but somehow she managed to get there in under 1 and a half hours, speeding as fast as she could through the night. Not knowing if she would reach the villa in time almost drove her crazy. At around 2:30 in the morning, she reached their small villa. She basically jumped out of the car and ran inside, immediately greeted by Ethan: "Thank God...hurry. We've been talking to him and he's still answering but he sounds weak and I'm just scared that he might have already cut too deep." She nodded, rushing to the upstairs bathroom with him. Immediately she knocked on the door: "Damiano...Damiano,'s me..." She heard sobbing inside and his very quiet and weak voice spoke up: "V-vic? came?" "Yeah...yeah, of course, I did.", she answered, her voice quivering slightly. She had no idea how to fix this but she needed to. "Can I...can I come in?", she asked softly, placing her hand on the door. "No...I don't...I don't think so." "Why not, Angel?" He sobbed inside: "You left me...why do you care now? It's not worth it anymore..." She felt her heart sink: "I always cared, Damiano...always. I-" "Then why did you leave?" She sighed: "I don't know...I thought you wanted me to...but...the point is: I always cared and I will always care and what I said about not having those kinds of feelings for you...well, I know now that that's bullshit. I love you Damiano and I know we can still fix this." She tried her hardest to convince him but it didn't seem to work: "There's nothing to fix anymore, Victoria. I'm too far gone already." She felt panic rising up in her chest, making it hard to breathe: "That's not true. You are strong open the door or I will find my way in another way." After that, there was silence, so she got up and went downstairs in a hurry, searching for a second key. She knew that they somewhere had one but she just couldn't seem to find it. Frustrated, she rushed back upstairs, looking helplessly at Ethan and Thomas: "We need to pick the lock. I need to get inside before it is too late." And so, it happened. None of them had ever picked a lock before and it was actually harder than she had imagined it to be. "Why can't this fucking work?!" She was getting more and more impatient with every passing second which didn't necessarily help the situation. "Okay, Vic...we gotta stay calm...let's just try again.", Ethan suggested and she nodded, though finally voicing her deepest concern: "What if it's already too late. He hasn't answered in a while...I'm scared to find know...dead." He looked at her with his warm motherly eyes: "That's not gonna happen, Vic. We'll just have to work fast now." She nodded, getting to work again. And then, finally, after a few more tries, the lock clicked and the door flung open.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

What do you think? What is he currently going through? Is Victoria gonna be able to help him once more? And how will their relationship develop from that point on? Let me know in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading :)

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now