Chapter 19

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The next day, everybody seemed to be on edge due to the upcoming livestream they were going to make. They were sitting by the pool but Victoria couldn't even enjoy it. Her heartbeat was constantly jumping up, getting faster, then slowing down again. It was awful to be nervous like that but it certainly wasn't as bad for her as it was for Damiano. He looked extremely pale, shaking his leg nervously. She couldn't imagine how scared he must have been about going live and having to face all the fans and probably hate comments. She glanced over to Thomas who also looked like he wasn't doing so well...she was still wondering what he was going through after the things he had said the last time but she really didn't have the energy to deal with him as well...besides, it probably wasn't as bad as what Damiano was going through. She shook her head, gently placing her hand on Damiano's leg to stop him from shaking it: "It's just a livestream, Angel...they can't do anything to you.", she tried to calm him down but he shook his head, instinctively holding onto her hands: "They can...they can say hurtful things and I'm scared...I'm scared because I know I can't deal with that." She nodded, understanding why he was scared: "I know that's scary, Angel...but we're all here for you and we will help you. You don't have to do this alone. We will always have your back."

She was scared...she didn't show it at all but she was very scared. The livestream got closer and closer and the more time passed, the more anxiety she had. Of course, she didn't show it on the outside but what really scared her was that she knew exactly that she couldn't do anything to stop the comments from coming. What if he would fall back into this deep hole of depression again? She didn't know if she would be capable of helping him out again. Maybe that was stupid because by now she should already be used to that but deep inside she knew that she was emotionally drained as well. There was about an hour left until they would start this horrifying experience. God, that was so fucked up...she shouldn't be scared of a livestream. Connecting with fans had used to be something she had it was just pure terror. Was she overthinking again? Was it even possible to call it overthinking after all the stuff they had been through? Wasn't it by now just normal thinking? She sighed, frustrated as she was sitting on the balcony, smoking a cigarette. She just couldn't understand why people were so stupid. Especially Lucinda's reaction to the whole situation had shocked her. Wasn't a mother supposed to do everything in order to protect her children? Wasn't she out of all people the one who should believe him no matter what? Simply because a mother should love her child unconditionally? Her own mother was the prime example of a perfect parent. She was here with them to help when they needed it but at the same time she stayed out of their business and did her own thing unless she was asked to assist them. Why couldn't everyone be like that? Victoria was all in for gender equality but was it really equality if men had to be scared of women? That sounded more like revenge to her. Of course, there were many evil men out there who wanted nothing but harm women but that certainly didn't justify throwing them all in one pot and disregarding men's problems. They were human after all and they deserved just as much justice in rape cases as women. But while she was constantly seeing people standing up for female victims, Damiano got comments like He deserved it or men need to suffer or men can't be raped or even He should have liked it. That was something she was almost constantly thinking about because in her opinion, people who were saying things like that should be in prison and not out on the streets. In her eyes, they were a danger to society because they were destroying everything women had been working on for decades: Equality for ALL genders. Even though they were claiming to be fighting for that, in reality, all it was was fighting for women supremacy which was not at all what the goal should have been.

She shook her head, getting up. Enough with the destructive was time to start the livestream.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

I'm sorry, it's a short chapter but I got my Covid Vaccine today, so I am not feeling too well. I will make up for it on Monday.

Anyway, do you agree with Victoria's way of thinking? What do you agree with and what do you disagree with? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading :)

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now