Chapter 28

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A few days had passed since Victoria had left the others. Ethan and Thomas were texting her constantly, asking her to come back and help them but she pretty much just ignored them. She was back in her parent's apartment, in her old room...which was full of memories she had made with her band mates. She was sad, troubled and anxious all the time, there was no doubt about that. Not knowing what was going on or how Damiano was feeling was incredibly hard for her but she absolutely refused to call or text him. A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts and a moment later, her mother sat down next to her, a cup of hot chocolate in her hand: "Thought I'd check in on you before going to sleep.", she smiled warmly while handing her the cup which Victoria gladly took. "That's nice...thanks Mom.", she took a sip, feeling immediately warm and calm on the inside. There were a few moments of silence before Marcella spoke up again: "Sweetheart...I think we should talk about what happened." Victoria sighed, putting down her empty cup: "There's nothing to talk about, Mom...he doesn't want my help and I'm so so sick of trying. It's exhausting. I know I made a mistake as well but I apologized and I only did it because I really thought it would help, which to be fair, it did because now Carla is in jail.'s just all so complicated." Her mother gently placed a hand on her back: "I know, honey...but running away from it isn't the answer. You're not normally like that. You face conflicts and try to find a what made you run away this time?" She shrugged, rubbing her face with her hands in frustration: "I don't know. I guess I just expected a little bit more appreciation after all I have done for him. Don't get me wrong, Mom...I...I always wanted to be there for him and I never saw him as a burden or anything but...I didn't think he would act like he did. I thought he would forgive me for this one mistake after all those months of helping him." Marcella had always been a good listener and Victoria really hoped for some advice at that moment. "I know, honey...and I understand where you're coming from but I've seen how fragile he is. I think if you hadn't given up so easily, you would have been able to get through to him again." She shook his head, sighing: "I don't think so...he didn't act like it." Her mother placed a kiss on her head and got up to leave the room: "Don't you worry, Victoria...I'm sure he'll contact you sooner or later. Goodnight."

Just like the past few days, she didn't sleep well that night. Her thoughts were constantly wandering around and she checked her phone at least every 30 minutes. She still received a ton of messages from Ethan saying things like: "He's getting worse", "We don't know what to do" and "He needs you". She ignored them, didn't text back and tried to think about something else but she just couldn't. For the past months, her whole life had been centered around Damiano and now she just couldn't really think about anything else anymore. Of course, with those messages, her conscience didn't really get any better.

More and more days passed. She just kept on ignoring everyone and eventually stopped looking at the messages completely. She was still torn on the inside, feeling a little better without having to care for Damiano all the time and being able to just focus on herself a bit but on the other hand, all she wanted was to rush back to their Villa and make sure he was alright. After a few more days, now almost three weeks after she had left, everything changed though. She was about to go asleep, ignoring the messages she was receiving, though it was an unusual amount even for Ethan. But then, she got a call. It was the first call she received since she had left and even though it worried her a bit, she chose to ignore it. From that moment on, absolute mayhem broke lose. Calls and messages were coming in almost every 5 seconds and eventually, she just had enough. She picked up the phone, almost immediately hearing Ethan's panicked voice on the other side of the line: "Oh my God, Vic. I thought we'd never reach need to come over right now..." She cut him off: "Whatever it is, I'm not coming over, Ethan. I already told you...", now he was the one to cut her off: "No, you gotta listen to me, Vic. Damiano...he's gotten so much worse. And...we can't deal with his self harm anymore and now he...well, he's locked himself in the bathroom and we can't get in and he's crying. He's said some strange things about life not being worth living and stuff like that...what I mean to say is: I think he's gonna kill himself. You need to come over right now."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

So, what do you think? Is Ethan exaggerating or has it really gotten worse? Do you think he's really attempting to kill himself? What will Victoria do? Will she ignore their asking for help again or is she gonna return to take care of her best friend and now ex lover?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

As always, thanks for reading :)


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