Chapter 33

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A few days later, they were all sitting in their living room, just watching a movie as the weather wasn't really good enough to go outside that day. Rain was pouring and it was very windy...the perfect day for movies and hot chocolate. After all, it was late October now. Victoria was holding Damiano in her arms. He was calm right now, sipping on some hot chocolate and even eating a cookie. To her delight, he had started eating again...not a lot, but enough, and everyday it was getting better. She felt warm and comfortable at the moment, cuddled up in her blanket with her Angel by her side. She still wasn't sure about their relationship status but for the moment, she didn't question it. Maybe when he was a bit more stable. Her thoughts were disrupted when she heard their doorbell ring. She got up, fixing her hoodie and waddling to the front door. She opened it very carefully as she was anxious about a fan...or anti fan...being there. To her complete and utter surprise, it was a police officer: "Good afternoon, Miss DeAngelis. My name is Officer Blanco, may I step in for a minute." A bit perplexed, she opened the door further to let him in: "How can I help you, Officer? Did something happen?" They went back to the living room, where the others were staring at them in disbelief. They sat down and, after having greeted everybody, the young, blonde-haired officer spoke up again: "Something has happened indeed. Carla Marda – the woman we arrested a couple weeks back – pleads not guilty. That means there's going to be a trial. And we need Mr. David and Mrs. DeAngelis as witnesses." After seeing Damiano's shocked and almost panicked face, he put on an understanding smile: "I can imagine how hard that might be but it is important if we don't want her to go around doing this to you or anyone else again." To Victoria's surprise, Damiano nodded: "Alright...I'll do it. I want her to be locked up and gone from my life forever." She grabbed his hand, shaking her head: "I can go in as a don't have to, Damiano." He sat up straight, running his hand through his hair: "No...I have to. I need to tell the world what really happened. I need everybody to hear it." After that, the room was silent for a while. Victoria was honestly shocked, and the others seemed to be as well. Just a few weeks back he had barely been able to talk to Victoria about what had happened and he still hadn't talked to anyone else about it either and now he wanted to tell it to a whole courtroom with spectators and media coverage. That just didn't seem like it would work out. The officer, of course, didn't have those thoughts and just seemed happy that he had agreed. "That's settled then. Don't worry too much about it just yet. A trial like this takes time to prepare...normally, it can take up to two years for a trial like that to start...", he began his explanation. When the young officer saw the shocked looks on all of their faces, he held his hands up in a calming way: " do have the privilege of fame. I know this sounds bad now, but you should really be thankful for this. This trial will most likely be heavily publicized and while that might be uncomfortable for you, Mr. David, it is a bonus as well because the press has been pushing down on us already. So, the trial has been scheduled to take place in about two to three months. Of course, the appointed prosecutors will contact you as soon as possible to build their case and you will get a notice on when to appear in court." Again, there was silence. Victoria didn't know what exactly the others were thinking, but she herself couldn't even properly grasp the situation. Even long after the police officer had left, they were still sitting in silence. She honestly couldn't even believe what the police officer had told them. When Carla had gotten arrested, Victoria had been so relieved about that, she hadn't even thought about a possible trial. She didn't really know what to think about that; on one hand, she wanted that trial to happen...she wanted Damiano to be able to tell his story and finally find peace and start to recover properly. But on the other hand, she didn't want him to have to face Carla in the courtroom and tell the whole world something private like his experiences with Carla or even herself. The police officer had said that the whole trial would be highly publicized, so the media would probably report about it non stop. For now though, her goal was to prepare him and get him ready for the trial.


Hi, everyone :) 

So, as promised, here is the next part. Next part will be up around the same time next monday and I'll keep that schedule up as good as possible. Of course, you never know what life throws at you but if there aren't any major things coming at me, I'll do what I can to publish one each Monday. 

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. So, do you think it's a good idea for Damiano to testify in court or will everything just get worse? And will Victoria be able to prepare him properly? Do you think he's going to be able to heal during and/or after the trial? And lastly, is it a good thing that the media will be so involved? Let me know what you think in the comments.

Also, was anyone of you at their show in Vienna last Friday? Because I was and it was completely crazy to see them live after almost two years of writing this fanfic haha. Kinda unbelievable, honestly.

As always, thanks for reading and more than anything, thanks for being so patient and still supporting me haha. I promise, I won't keep you waiting anymore.

- Thalia

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