Chapter 8

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About an hour later, they were laying on the soft green grass, just enjoying their alone time. He seemed so much more relaxed now that they were out of the house. She was holding his hand, her eyes closed as she just enjoyed the warm July sun on her skin. "Vic?", he asked quietly. "Hm?", she replied, not bothering to open her eyes. "I love you...I know I don't say it enough but I really love you. And I'm thankful for everything you do. I promise, I'll try to eat and shower and get dressed alone shouldn't have to do that." Now she had to open her eyes, staring at him through her blueish sunglasses: "Oh, me, you are perfect. You're doing so great and it's okay that you need some more time to do those things again...that's perfectly fine.", she sat up, so they could talk a bit better: "I love you too, Angel...more than I could ever care to explain. I never thought I would...but I do and I am really really thankful for this relationship. Never forget that, okay?" He nodded and she was kinda happy to see a light blush covering his cheeks. "I know that sounds crazy...but...I think I've always loved you, Vic...maybe not as strongly as now but I think I kinda fell for you when we first met." Now she was the one to blush: "Well...yeah...I...I thought about that too...and honestly, I think those feelings were always least from my side...I just never gave them the chance to blossom." It was crazy because she had never been someone who had liked sweet talk like that but now that she was with him that was different. She decided that now was a good time to try to get him to loosen up a bit, so she got up and once again held out her hand for him.

This time he didn't ask any questions, just grabbing her hand and getting up. She took off her shoes and socks and then also her shirt and shorts, now standing in front of him, only wearing her black lingerie. He hesitated for a second before also kicking his shoes and socks off. Then he looked at her and slowly took off his white shirt and black skinny jeans. It was a weirdly comfortable atmosphere...she even dared to ask him about something she hadn't asked him about before: The marks on his thighs. It was fairly obvious that they came from a lighter but still, she wanted to know the background. "Do you still do that?", she asked softly while gently tracing the scars on his thighs. He shivered but was completely calm: "Occasionally. I used to do that before I know...on my arms. It feels comforting sometimes because it reminds me of the time before Carla know...did it..." She was surprised how well he could talk about it at that moment...being out of the house and completely alone seemed to make a huge difference. Maybe because there was absolutely no one to hear or judge him. It was just him and her and he knew he could trust her, so it probably made it easier for him. "Do you want to talk about it some more?", she asked but he shook his head: "No...not now. Let's talk about it when we're back home. Let's - for once - not focus on what happened to me...can we just pretend like it never happened and act like we're a normal couple? Just for a few minutes?" She grabbed his hands and slowly walked backwards into the water, keeping eye contact with him. She really liked that idea...she needed that as well.

The water was warm, yet refreshing and she could feel a variety of small fish circling around her legs. She never dared to go in very far because the lake was pretty deep, so they stayed at the more shallow side where the water only reached up to their chest. He had pulled her into his arms, just hugging her. She had done the same, her arms wrapped tightly around his lower back. Both of them were just enjoying the moment. It was something they had desperately needed. Her head was resting on his upper chest...his soft tan skin was heated from the sun which made everything seem even more perfect. She felt his hand brushing through her slightly wet hair, sending shivers down her spine. She was so used to being there for him that it felt almost strange to be held and caressed by him like that. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me, Damiano...I hope you know that.", she mumbled, gently drawing some circles on his lower back. "Stop...I'm blushing.", he chuckled and for the first time in a while he seemed to be genuinely happy. She could feel that he was made her feel an exciting tingle in her tummy. When he was happy, she was too. She loosened the hug, looking up at him. He was so unbelievably beautiful. She pushed her sunglasses upwards, so she could look at him in full color. His smile...his god damn smile. If only she could see it every second of every day. She just stared at him, trying to take in all the small things that made him who he was. With one of her hands, she began to trace the tattoo on his fit him so well. She smiled warmly, relieved that he could be least for a short little while.

She hesitated but then pulled him closer, lovingly pressing her lips against his. He immediately placed his hands on her hips, kissing her in a very gentle and slow way. It was the first time he was leading a kiss but she wasn't complaining. He was a good kisser and it was better for him to lead because that way he could decide how fast he wanted to go and when he wanted to stop. It wasn't heated or was calm, gentle, loving and full of emotions. She liked that. Heated and passionate kisses weren't as enjoyable to her. She moved her lips in the same rhythm as he did and to her huge surprise, he actually slipped some tongue in as well. She blushed, suddenly getting hot but she just followed his lead, sucking on his tongue just ever so slightly. He tensed up for just a split second and she almost regretted doing that but then he did the same to her, showing her that it was okay and that it was just something he wasn't used to. He tasted so fucking sweet...she couldn't even explain it but it was the best taste she had ever had in her mouth...and gosh, his lips were so soft, brushing against hers in the most gentle and loving way she had ever experienced. It was a match made in heaven, honestly and there wasn't a single thing that could've made her happier than this. But she knew this wouldn't last...what they had right now was an exception. It was an illusion to escape the real world. Yes, maybe they could have this constantly at one point when he was feeling better in general and not just for a few moments and when the hate had calmed down a bit. But for now, all it was, was their perfect little fairytale.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey ;)

This week the chapters will come earlier (like this one) because I have a summer job and my shift this week is in the afternoon...just so you know :)

So, what do you think? Is it good for them to have moments like this? Do you think that maybe this will help him open up a bit more about the abuse he went through? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

- Thalia

Angel (Damiano David & Victoria De Angelis)Where stories live. Discover now