Chapter 30

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On the instant, she rushed inside and to her relief, he was still alive. He was sitting on the ground, just staring back at her, blood dripping from his arms and tears leaving streaks on his cheeks. She turned to the others: "I think I got this, guys..." Then, she closed the door behind her and started to slowly make her way towards him. "Hey...", she spoke quietly, not really knowing what to do as she didn't know whether he was still mad at her or not. "Hey...", he replied shakily. "May I...?", she asked while pointing to the spot next to him to which he nodded. She sat down, looking at him from the side: "Dami...I'm sorry...for everything. I never meant for it to turn out this way. I truly only ever wanted the best for you. I know that sending you back to her was a mistake and if I could turn back time, I would...but...just please let me help you...", she was basically begging him by now. For an awfully long time, he didn't say a word which further fueled her anxiety. She didn't ask him again though, waiting (seemingly) patiently for his answer. Then, finally, he spoke: "It hurt me...a lot...but...I guess I understand why you did what you did. And, didn't give me the right to accuse you of guess we're even." And with that, he held out his arms, showing her that it was okay for her to clean them now. And so, she did. She got up, grabbing a first aid kit they kept in the bathroom. She also grabbed a wet towel and some water. Once again, she sat down next to him, smearing the blood on the floor. She carefully grabbed his arm and started to examine his wounds, feeling a painful sting in her heart upon looking closely. "They're deep...", she bluntly stated as she felt tears in her eyes. To think what would have happened if she had ignored the calls made her feel sick to the stomach. "I know...", he replied, avoiding eye contact. "And there are many...", she stated as she carefully began to wipe down his bloody arms. "I know...", he replied once again. "Why? Why didn't you text me or call me? I would've come straight back." He was still avoiding her eyes, seemingly to prevent her from seeing how much he was crying at that point. "I was scared...scared of rejection I...I guess. I thought you didn't love me...just like you said and I was scared of getting h-hurt again. And I...I thought you didn't care. I thought you were gone forever, Vic. And with that thought...I had nothing left to live for..." That gave her the rest, now tears streaming down her cheeks: "I'm so sorry, honey. I'm sorry for what I did and for what happened. I promise, we'll fix this. Just like a few months ago. We'll get you better...I know we will. Are you...are you still up for it?" He nodded, still looking away, too chocked up to speak. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down, before focusing on his arms again. He was still bleeding, though not as heavily as before. She grabbed the disinfectant and made sure to put enough on his wounds to prevent them from getting infected. Then she patched him up and placed a hand on his cheek, turning his wet face to look at her. His eyes spoke more than a thousand words. They spoke of so much pain and trauma it was almost unbearable for her to look into them but there was a glimmer of hope in them as well. Something told her that deep down, he was still willing to fight. But she knew it would be hard. They basically had to start at square one, but she was willing to do so. She wanted to help him, wanted him to get better, so they could have a good life together. A life that he deserved.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guess what...I'm back.

I took a long time off, I know but things have finally settled down in my life and therefore, I can come back to writing again. I'm not promising anything but I'll do my best to update as often as possible. I hope you aren't too mad about it.

Anyway...what do you think? What will happen next? Will she be able to fully regain his trust and help him get better again? Does he finally have a chance to see the beauty in life again? 

Let me know in the comments...I'd love to hear your predictions <3

As always, thank for reading :)

- Thalia

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