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I was thinking about what father said. He told Adiline to stop seeing her boyfriend, the one she loves. Adiline caused another scene—an everyday scene with different message or theme. I don't know how my mother be unbothered by it all. But oh well, she favors the two brats. On the other hand, my father seemed to ignore them from time to time, and usually, he'd scold them, just like what happened a while ago. Scolding is different from disciplining which is why I tried to tell Axdrell about the difference so he could voice out my opinion. Opinion does matter, right?

"Adesina, Axdrell wants you in the living room." Maki quietly announced. I also knew what happened to her. Apparently, mother deducted her salary for the last month because she spent her time with my brother instead of watching me. My father spilled what happened when we went there. From the moment we arrived until we left. He mentioned that I got sick for staying under the rain. I believe he didn't tell her why I was there in the first place, but even if he did, it would matter not.

I saw Axdrell in a business suit with glasses. I never met people like him in Bohol. Only those rich—right, my brother's rich. "Will you accompany me for today's meeting? I want you to meet some people,"

"By some people, you mean those businessmen?" I said while accepting his offer. I got myself dressed up too. I wore a tweed green high waisted A line skirt that was definitely up until above my ankle, and a tweed green cropped top with notched collar. I looked formal and fitting for the word businesswoman. Also, accessories made me elegant, especially the matte green 3 inch heels.

"Now that you look more beautiful—beauty emphasized as Axtell's words, you're ready to meet them."

I was reciting the words Axdrell wrote in my memo. I did understand his handwriting, but as the car started, I couldn't. I was a fool of trying to read while the car's moving. It simply made my head dizzy.

Instead of Maki accompanying me, I was accompanied by another helper, one who I do not know, but I'm planning to. It will help me in the future. But she was just too formal and too strict with me. I was walking towards the car a while ago, and she had to kick my feet so I'd walk properly. Since I wore heels, I walked forward with legs crossing after each other or in front after each other.

I was taught about lady etiquettes, but I think this helper does not know that I know, but it's all okay, I'll let her know in time...she's not letting me though.

"Remember to smile, ma'am Adesina, naturally, " she emphasized naturally and I wanted to just tell her to shut up. But then again, acting impulsively will make me look more dumber and worse than my sisters.

"Why didn't you invite Adelee? She seemed fitting for this occasion," I talked while we wait for the driver to park the car. There were a variety of cars inside the parking lot, too many of them that Axdrell decided to park ours on the basement lot.

Axdrell adjusted his coat and relaxed his fingers while he stared at his wristwatch. "It's time for you to be—I mean, to meet the important men around our family. In fact, you're due to meet them." I nodded, not knowing what to respond, so I stayed quiet.

I thought I heard the helper scoff but I ignored her. Maybe I was just hallucinating. There's no way she'd react like that in front of Axdrell. One order from Axdrell, she'll be out immediately. He can go to the extent if he heard it, but I guess I just misheard her.

My heels clicked as we walked inside the building. I didn't know there were such huge buildings on an island. This place's modern and up to date.

"Good morning, sir Vlair," greeted the receptionist on his side. He bowed his head slightly along the other workers on our way.

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