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3rd Person POV

"Gino, Anna, watch out!" Adesina screamed, running after Gino who was trying to chase Anna who too was chasing, chasing a butterfly.

"You guys...slow down!" 

Before she could open her mouth to release another scream, Gino successfully caught Anna with his bare arms, and Anna securing the butterfly with her net. "Don't you dare do it again, Anna," scolded both Gino and Adesina. Anna stared at her older siblings. She then smiled and pointed at the fiery red butterfly.

"Is it dead? Is it dead? Is it dead?" she eagerly asked while peeping at the net.

"No, you're supposed to hold it properly. She lost a part of her wings. We have to let Mama Tri inspect it before we can glue it on your journal."  Anna likes insects but hates cockroaches. She likes to put them in her journal, gluing them or taping them. It's like her diary.

Gino held her hand, leading her back to the hut which faced the vast rice field. Adesina was following them close, busy imagining whether Jesus Christ was walking with them too or was he up above the clouds, watching over them.

"Why don't we try to catch some—"

"Stop with your excuses, Anna." Gino knew she was just reasoning out while trying to run away from them. Adesina was quick to notice her squealing her way out from Gino. "Anna." Adesina groaned, holding back her anger. The young girl had kicked her stomach the moment she was captured by her arms. Did she want to explain she has her menstruation and that it's difficult for her?

Gino, the caring friend, scooped her up in bridal style after he scolded Anna for the fifth time. Adesina could feel her heart beating faster, and her breath hitched when her eyes glanced at his.

"Vette, stop moving, or do you want to walk?" She couldn't remember her words, heck, she thought she doesn't have a mouth. What miracle is this? Why is she speechless? What is happening?

"G-Gino...please put me...down." was all she could utter without staring into his eyes. Gino, not getting any clue, slowly put her down, feeling that he upset her.

"Are you mad that I carried you?"

"Should I just apologize?" He thought to himself. But before he could apologize, Adesina had run away, hiding in the woods.


Today, I haven't received a mail from my family. I have been waiting for one when I realized the sun is going down already. I stared at Gino's handwritten mail before I put it back inside one of my drawers. I sat there in the middle of my room for hours, waiting. I have been grounded for the past week. Honestly, I don't even regret being grounded, knowing the reason for this was as ridiculous as Adiline's face.

Adiline's boyfriend—confirmed it was Ghaun—visited here. Knowing him, I walked towards him and struck a conversation with him.

Ghaun, I think it was him. He was leaning on the fountain, surely waiting for Adiline. I was in the yard, waiting for Maki to return the pen Adiline threw from her window— she 'humbly' asked me to return it. I didn't have anything to do so I gave in to her request or so, demand.

"Hello, Ghaun," I greeted. I extended my hand to shake his and he did so. But his face was filled with worry and his eyes were going anywhere.

"Don't. Stay away from—"

He didn't finish his statement as someone forcefully grabbed my hair, making me scream which cut him off. Ghaun stood straight and tried to pry Adiline off of me, or did he try to pry me off? I don't know. It's his girlfriend so it was the other way around.

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