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We passed by our family physician for about an hour. He checked me up and even got his partner, a gynecologist, to check if there was something wrong with my private part, my ovulation, and even my menstrual cycle. I didn't seem to worry since I know so far there's nothing wrong with me, instead, Axdrell looked nervous, and so was my mother and father. The three looked more anxious than me.

I sat down on the chair as I waited for the result. I saw some doodles in the doctor's notebook. It reminded me of Ruby and Anne.

Here they come. My father stood up while my mother sat up straight. I fiddled with my fingers, looking at the two professionals before me. "Miss Karahalios? Do you ever get bluish marks on your body? Especially with the fingertips?"

He gave me flashcards that matched his statement. My face scrunched up as I recalled the times where I saw some bluish marks appearing on my back, my arms, and on my fingertips. "Not like this. Just little pigmentation, like small circles. My fingertips never turned blue, at least, not like that." I showed my disgust as I looked at the picture. The fingertips were bluer than blue and enlargened. 

The doctor's face looked awful than that of Adiline's when he heard me explain. Then, the gynecologist stepped in and presented herself, explaining the result. "It seemed she has cyanosis but base on her description, we can't tell. This, we suggest that you see a hematologist. This is out of my knowledge as a gynecologist. I thought for a second that it's normal for her to lose iron when she has her menstruation. Sometimes, women lose oxygen and iron due to their menstruation. "

"Observe your skin for a little while. See if they appear like this. They don't appear like this for the first time, but you should prefer a word from a hematologist rather than a physician."

Axdrell couldn't bear to hear some news about another sister having or bearing another rare disease so he went out. As soon as I got the signal, I left the room and tried to follow my brother's trails. He always leaves a room. Why can't this guy stay still?

"Axdrell? Ax—" I gasped when I saw him crying near the corner pillar. I peeped on the side, tilting my upper body while my left leg slowly went up to balance my body, although I was in front of him, just a couple more meters away.

He's indeed crying.

I quietly went around, looking out for a random person to pass by us. Seeing no one, I rushed to his side and bumped into his arms. I faintly called him, "Kuya?". I was hoping he'd answer me, tenderly or indifferently. He must be upset.

"A-Adesina...why must you be sick too?" Why does that sound like it's my fault?

"Why can't you just stay healthy?" 

Uh, what? Is he—I heard—is he blaming me?

I cleared my throat and prayed that God will give me lengthy patience towards everyone around me today. "Hey, it's not like I'm going to die?" Well, that went out as a question instead of a response. But hey! A response can be in question form too.

He let go of me and continued to sob. He surrounded me with his arms again and spoke, "Do you know what Adelee and Adiline went through because of their illnesses? Many therapeutics to figure, medications, operations, they even went through unconsciousness..."

It made me doubt how they survived all of such. Of course, we all serve a miraculous God. Our God performs miracles to everyone, and especially to those who love Him back, nevertheless, that doesn't mean that if you don't love Him back, you won't have miracles in your life or be healed. Our prayers work every time, that's why they're still alive.

But how come they have such a foolish disposition?

"Alright, I won't die. I will do my—no, no—God will do His best to heal me. I don't trust those doctors."

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