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A:N: I apologize for not updating for over the past month. I was just finishing OBM—glad that I really did—and was taking my exams. I'm waiting for the results so as I wait, I figured out that it's better to use my free time to do some work on this chapter.

Originally, I worked on OBM for a year and 4 months. Hopefully, we won't take a whole year with TOEN since we started on June 15, 2021. To explain September 13, 2020. That was when I had the initial thought of the plot.


"Hello?" I called out again. Why did I have to have a huge and open window? I clasped my hands together, stopping myself from trembling with fear. I walked towards the window although my intuition kept telling me not to. I was about to open the curtains when someone emerged from the wall. "What the? Ghaun?" 

He was holding on to the base. "What are you doing?" I gasped when I realized I'm not wearing a garment under my dress, just the lower part. I wanted to change but he was struggling so I helped him first before I ran to the bathroom. 

"Hey, Adesina, I'm not going to do anything bad to you, you know..." he trailed, and upon not seeing me come out the room, he then shouted, "I have a girlfriend!" 

"I don't care! I'm just doing something unrelated to her." I said as I walked out of the room, still in my long and white dress but with garments underneath it. 

"Why do you look like a ghost right now?" was that supposed to be a joke? Was he mocking my attire? But this is how I dress?

"This is a nightdress, and only women wear this. So, I understand that you don't know about it."

"Yeah, you're the only one who wears those kinds. No one wears that now. I prefer naked,"

You're not me—

I dismissed the topic with no words. Rather, I asked him why he was climbing on my window. He said he wanted to give me something...without telling Adiline of his whereabouts.

"I figured out you needed this." He passed me a red plastic cup filled with piss. "Sorry, I don't drink piss, for your information." He suddenly laughed at my statement. He was laughing so hard that the piss started falling down from the cup, so I hastily took it and placed it on the side table. It did not smell like piss, but it was still intoxicating. 

He turned to me and looked into my eyes. "Gosh, your sister was right. You are innocent. Trust me, you'll need this drink." 

Do I? Do I trust him? 

Something in me was telling me not to drink it. It was God telling me to refuse. But why was Ghaun so serious in persuading me to drink it? What does he want? To whom do I listen? 

Why am I drinking it?

There was a pang of uneasiness in my throat like someone's scratching it. My throat's now burning. I coughed and hit my chest to ease my pain. Ghaun was still laughing and I didn't like it. "Here, you drink more, slowly. It'll be alright. " I did as what he said. I sat on my bed and went to drink it a little more slowly now. 

He looked at me for a long moment. I did mind it but I couldn't find the words to ask him why he was staring at me. I thought he wouldn't say it. "This must be your first time, huh? You are one conservative lady, I bet. You're pretty." Okay, that's enough. If Adiline finds out, she'll assassinate me. 

"Go back to Adiline's party. She might be looking for you. "

"Ah, that bitch," he murmured with disgust. My curiosity lit up as I heard the word. Why would he say that?

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