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‼️⚠ Warning ⚠ ‼️

This chapter may trigger emotions such as anger, anguish, bitterness, and pity.



"Ghaun, Mommy has to work tonight. You have to stay right here in this room. You shall make no noise, okay?" mother said to me while holding both my shoulders, gently caressing it. I nodded at her, slowly eating her words.

Tonight...she's going to work in this wretched place. My mother is a prostitute. Despite being a Christian, she's a prostitute. She has always told me that she will quit her work once she finds a suitable job. She's been saying that for 5 years now. I honestly did not think she'd do it. Money was something we desperately needed, and her work salary was enough for us.

We lost my father even before my mother could bear the news to him. He ran off with someone named Lydia. I cam to know that she was an ex-friend of my mother. Aunt Lydia was a gorgeous and faithful Christian. At first, you would think she's an angel from above, but that's not what I saw when I first saw her.

As my mother worked, I stayed inside my room, scribbling on my notebook. I held the Bible close to me while waiting for the night to pass. Below my room is the room where prostitutes and hungry bastards meet. I could hear the awful sounds.

An eight year old boy witnessing such eerie sounds did not make me feel better. Everyone around me was moaning out loud. I could even distinguish my mother's voice. Still, I looked up at my mother without feeling disgusted.

I prayed that night, praying that God will deliver us from that nightmare. The next week, He did, but I think God did not get what I prayed. The manager exiled us when people knew she was hiding a kid for the past 3 years. It wasn't what I imagined.

"Fuck you, Rosa. You were cheating. I paid you a lot for your wondrous body. Who told you to bring that child! My! Bullshit! Fuck off!" the manager kicked my mother before he decided to rape her in front of the door for everyone to feast on.

I watched as they touched my mother everywhere, inserted their manhood like hungry beasts. "My turn now! Get off her! She's mine! I haven't tasted her!" I cried as listened to them.

My mother didn't do anything. She did not beg for mercy as there was none to beg for.


"Ghaun Rollinder?" a governess called my name. I searched for my mother despite the swarm of people in front of me, raising my right hand too so the governess would see me. "Ah, there you are. What a beautiful child. God bless you, son." I stared at her coldly. God bless me? He never did.

"Where is your mother?" she asked. How could I answer her when the last time I saw my mother was on the toilet room, telling me to go inside first. She looked tired yet she brightens up when she sees me. She always tells me she loves me and that God will deliver us from our lives. I was slowly thinking of her wrongly.

"I do not know." Upon my answer, she let out a sigh. She then took me to a room. There inside was a young boy but older than me, hiding a thing which I thought was a knife. "This is Clarence. He will be your roommate for the time being. Welcome to the Church." My mother enrolled me to a Christian School inside a Christian community and they call themselves the Church of God.

I was about to sleep when Clarence, my new roommate woke me up with a knife on my throat. "I-I...what are you doing to me?" my voice quivered as I tried to hold on to my blanket. He could not explain what he was doing. He was smiling while holding a knife.

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