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3rd Person's POV

Anastasia looked at her own daughter, about to scream at her like she used to, when she realized that it was no use. Like Gino said, Adesina gets to decide at the end. "Adrastos, are you taking care of your own daughter?" Trinidad spoke while opening her bag to accept a call but then she pressed the red button. "Axtell says he is coming here. He is hoping for a good reunion of the family."

Adesina softly held her hand and ushered to explain to her. "Mama Tri, we're now okay. My sisters have genuinely apologized to me. Father acts like my father now. And mother...well, she's my mother. We're fine now,"

"Did you forget that I know you the most, Adesina Violette? Everything is fine for you. Everything is okay as long as the others are satisfied. You'd put others before you and try to blame yourself if anything bad happens. You still bite your tongue and grab your hair whenever you feel anger. You forgive everyone and forget their wrongdoings and act as if nothing happened—"

"Because that's exactly what God wants me to do, Mama Tri." she hugged her to calm her down. Trinidad did not notice her hands trembling and tears flowing. At her age, it's alarming to see her trembling, afraid that she might have a heart attack. She couldn't feel at ease knowing that her precious little girl was treated poorly by her own family. Who could possibly do that in this world?

"Please, I am fine, Mama. And I think I changed. I can speak up for myself without trying to disrespect the person. I don't harm myself. Maki has already solved that problem with me." Adesina was fiddling with her dress while her eyes were frantically looking around. When she saw Gino who gave her a reassuring smile, she felt peace.

"My darling, I will always understand you. Gino and I...well, we were planning to take you back to Bohol but I'm afraid that flying is dangerous for your health. Mama does insist you go to Germany for better treatment. This isn't a small problem, hija."

Everyone understood her concern. Everyone was now fond of her, attending to her needs now, yet for the first time, Adesina disagreed with their 'order'. They were perplexed, unable to comprehend her decision, and though they were, they wanted to trust her, and so they did. "We'll still hope that you'll change your mind, but until then, you won't go," Adelee said in a calm manner. Adesina softly smiled at her family, scanning them each with her head slightly tilted to the right side.

Just in time, Axtell knocked on the door to greet her sister. He began to run towards her, only to stop so he could hug her gently. Without any words spoken, their hearts communicated through the tears falling from their crystal eyes. "Kuya Axtell...h-how...are you so l-late?" she wailed.

"I wanted to make sure I got the perfect time to be there for you. I am on time, am I not? Besides, you're not dying." Axtell was picking up a more English accent rather than a Canadian one or an American accent.

He was still hugging Adesina and Adesina was still holding on to his waist like a child she was before. Before anyone could think about capturing the moment, Trinidad had already opened her camera to capture it. One minute, Adesina was smiling, now, she's crying. Then again, this family has put her on a roller-coaster ride since she was five, playing with her emotions.

When the evening came, the doctors allowed Adesina to go home so she could have dinner with her family, however, she will have to come back early in the morning for further monitoring.

"These huge boxes are for you, Adesina. I figured out you wanted to try new kinds of stuff. I've got educational books myself, like politics 101, education series, and such. These will help you right?" Axtell seemed nervous when he cut the fillet mignon beside his sister. Anastasia was carefully watching and attentively listening to their conversation, along with the other family members.

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