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Overwhelming emotions, curse words

"Don't look at me like that. I said what I wanted to say." His eyes were blazing with fire inside, wanting to let it out. It was only a small misunderstanding but he got irate. 

"You are objectifying my sister. I would've understood if you are in the same position, but no, you're not. Adesina thinks you're a great guy. Horrible. You are a man yet you do not act like one—"

He groaned, almost hitting me with the chair. I flinched when he did that. Fudge, I was wrong to start to like this guy. "Oh shut up. Aren't you also a hypocrite? With all this Bible studying and stuff? You reek of evil too." He was circling me as he spoke, giving me an awful gaze.

"You...you can accuse of anything else but neither accuse my intention with studying the Bible nor judge my relationship with Christ. You are merely a human." I was trembling. My hands and legs were shaking. I held on to myself while slowly walking away from him but he was catching up. It was as if we were on a chase, except the fact that we're not goofing around.

God...I am scared. 

He laughed, sounding sinister. It was an awful laugh like pigs laughing or being sacrificed. "Really? Don't forget that you judged your family too. You are condemning your own blood. Who the hell does that? You think you're so perfect." I stopped in my tracks. It made me halt, and then I slowly turned to him with a numb expression on my face.

Never once did I think to myself that I am a perfect person. I have accepted the fact that I am a sinner and need constant guidance from God, but I never condemn. "Condemnation is different from conviction. Who told you I hate my family? Maybe I did, once or twice, but I learned to forgive them as I forgave myself for hating on them. "

"That's the problem between non-Christians. You guys think we're condemning you, we're hating on you when that's not even our intention. We are only convicting, pointing at the mistake, at the sin, not the sinner. We hate the sin; we love the sinner. Just who I am to hate a sinner when I, in fact, a sinner? Tell me, what makes you hate me?" 

I held myself, held my tears back. I knew I was responsible for all of my actions, and I admit that I too was a hypocrite.

Sometimes, there are things that I could not restrict myself to. That's the hardship of being a Christian. We know what is right by God and what is wrong by God. We willingly take up our own cross, suffer persecutions, restraining ourselves, and learn to be like Jesus who loves unconditionally.

However, I am only a human. I cannot perfect myself into God's image. And that's why each time I fail, each time I commit a mistake, I run to God. I stay beside Him, for I know that He will never leave me. Once, I was ashamed of my sins that I ran away from Him, and that was faulty. He accepts every flaw that I commit, and He wants to help me all the time. I ought to go back to Him, and stay.

Ghaun stood silently, probably too stunned to make a rebuttal. I chuckled bitterly before letting out a sigh. Never in my life, I imagine screaming at someone or being frantic. I slowly walked up to him, although scared, I still did. Then, I said to him, "I apologize for screaming at you. Though I mean what I said earlier, still I have to apologize for being truthful. I am fed up of being treated like I'm the worst and awful person."

Apologize when you are wrong. Apologize even if you're not.

He didn't say anything, except to look at me straight in the eyes, passing me the sorrowful and deathful eyes of his, before he purposely bumped his shoulders on mine. I didn't want to be dramatic, but it did hurt. A lot. Yet I stood there, wondering what the heck happened in less than an hour or even half an hour. We were talking quietly and peacefully, then we ended up screaming and apologizing for our actions.

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