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I did as according to what my maid had told me. Before I arrived at the dining table, Maki had discussed about the things that I should do to avoid conflict. I thought that if I would please them, my mother might let me go back to Bohol. I thought she'd let me be with Mama Tri.

We ate dinner, and while eating, my older sister spoke up. "That's her? That's actually our sister?" said Adlinine. She looked at me up and down and even rolled her eyes at my choice of food. Well, exqiuisite looking food is not exquisite for me at all.

Adelee tried to scold her but ended up laughing. "Seriously, she could pull off better. I'd hate to think she's actually the one who's donating. Geez, what if end up like her?" she said with a spiteful mouth. I tried not to gasp. If Mama Tri was here, she would've punished her.

Why was I even thinking of Mama Tri? She was the one who sent me here. I remembered how eager Mama Tri was when she sent me to the center. I never knew that would be my last time in my own home. I don't belong here. As much as Jesus wants me to be patience, my sisters are testing me. I'd be ashamed to say that I want to raise my voice at them. But I was never taught to raise my voice at anyone, anyone especially who's older than me.

That's why I get to be their target because I was always the silent one. I was always quiet.

"H-how long will I stay here?" I softly asked, looking directly at my mother. I avoided their stares. I don't know what I'd unexpectedly do if I did.

"You'll be living here, not just staying. Don't make it sound like you're having a vacation here. This is not your place." how is her answer related to my question? She was bitter, muttering unnecessary things.

What am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to understand her? Or should I shout and exaggerate my emotions? Like this?

"I want to go home! Send me home right now!"

"No! You are staying here!"

"No, I realized that I was better off without my blood relatives. As far as I'm concerned, blood has a higher pH level unlike water, and I like water better. So let me go!" and they'd hit me and lock me up? That's scene 1.

Scene 2 would be, "I wanna go home...please. P-please take me back to my home. I'd do anything for you to send me back to the orphanage. I'm sure Mama Tri has been waiting for me."

"Mama Tri. Mama Tri. You're all Mama Tri. Stop mentioning her. You think she can still move her ass and fight like a warrior she was before?"

"S-she was a warrior?" I'd laugh and mimick their voices before I'd go slash and dash.

No, that's just me dreaming of those scenes. My mother just slammed her palms on the dinner table so I could focus on them.

Adiline snickered at me. "She's giving a smile. What a creep," she whispered to Adelee.

My mother threw her fork at me which I almost didn't dodge if it wasn't for my bodily reflexes. "Did you understand my point, Adesina?" she raised her brow which indicates that I really have no say to it. I nodded. I didn't want to eat. I'd rather starve myself. They might put poison.

My mother roared, "We are at the dinner table and our maids had served us foods so why the heck are you not eating?! I shouldn't have given birth to you."

Her last statement caught me off guard. Were tears supposed to gather in my eyes? Am I supposed to cry and be weak? Because honestly, it hurts here. My chest trembles in pain. I felt my heart bursting yet clutching, as if wanting to break free, free from the pain.

I forced myself to eat before I was told to stay inside my room because she did not like my appearance.

Right there and then, my tears started to fall, like waterfalls in the mountains of the earth, watering the lands. "Hija, you must always remember that bodies of water give life to the bodies of land. We can apply it to our tears. Like water droplets, it waters the seedlings we have buried deep in the soil." I remember Mama Tri's words.

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