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I woke up with my head throbbing out of pain. I heard the sound of the water, the splashing of ocean waves. I heard the noise of the boats. Where am I?

I couldn't open my eyes, not yet. It seems heavy. I can see shadows. I can see people leaving this room. I'm not in my room! I then felt the lumpy bed. Oh, this is definitely not my bed.

When I opened my eyes, I quickly closed it again upon seeing the bright light. I searched for the switch and turned it off, then I rolled up the curtains. The ocean! I'm in a boat!

Where's everybody? My body was frantic. I was searching. I crouched down and my eyes were looking at the very dirty room. Just where am I? Am I being taken? Kidnapped! Oh Lord Jesus, help me.

I started kneeling down facing the window. I bowed my head and held it. I then started praying. After a while, the ocean calmed down and the sun was not too hot anymore. I stood up and opened the door. What should I do next?

I looked at each sides and saw no one. It was too bright. The ocean was too green and the sky was bright blue.

I was about to turn around when someone covered my mouth. I didn't even attempt to scream as they would just find out that I tried to escape. A man in black. A man in black! Men in black! It must be them! I knew it! Oh did Mama Tri hired kidnappers? Oh no!

"Where are you taking me, huh? Are you going to dump me in the middle of the ocean? Are you going-"

"Oh Jesus Christ, shut your mouth,"

"Hey! Watch what you are saying. Do not use the Lord's name as a cuss. His name is Holy. Therefore you cannot use to curse. How dare you use it in that way. You pray later on and apologize," for a moment I forgot that I was being kidnapped and being pushed towards the end. Was I harsh?

Why am I even worrying about my kidnappers?!

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry,"

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Christ," I strictly corrected him and made him stop pushing me. When he prayed and apologized, I smiled.

"I never saw a kidnapper who does that. I know you're not bad," I gave him a smile but he gave me a strict gaze and pushed me where 3 men were, I guess, waiting for me...to...wake...up?

"Drug her. Unless we arrive there, she stays asleep," all 3 said it in unison. My eyes went wide and even if I try to move, they had cornered me already. The guy behind me swiftly injected the drug. I could see a bluish mark appearing on my fingers.


"Gino, do you think that I'm ugly?" the young me asked young Gino. We were sitting on the same bench under the Banaba tree.

"But God created us in His image. Why would you say that? You are so pretty," his voice was as soft as a cotton ball. I never felt anything but safe and sound when hearing his voice. It sounds innocent.

"Adiline said that I'm ugly."

"She has the confidence to say that because everyone is saying she's the prettiest one among the three of you, and you are the least one. However, if God miraculously speak to us, He would scold them and say you three are fearfully and wonderfully made." I couldn't help but to smile at what he told me. I was in awe.

This guy never failed to amaze me with his direct to the point perspectives. There, I gained my confidence. I gained a smile.

"If she starts a fight with you, just run to the mountain. She cannot run," he whispered the last sentence, and that made me laugh. Despite him saying great things about God, this guy is also thinking of strange things. He has a strange behavior.

That One Eventful Night ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu