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1 week...1 month...will it stay like this for a year? Adesina laid peacefully on the hospital bed. Her parents had moved her to a much spacious room that was capable of giving enough room for 10 people, 11 including the patient. Her body did not change much. Her hair got noticeably long. Her arms and wrists had tubes attached on it.

No one dared to cry in front of her body which seemed to be dead, but actually alive. Everyone would visit her, taking turns in taking care of her, but at night, she's mostly with Gino, as all her siblings would go to their respective places and express the sorrow they've been feeling.

She has been depending on machines and medicines for a while now. After her minor surgery for her kidneys, she underwent a lung-transfer which caused her to into a comatose. Originally, she'd go to Germany for further treatments, but her father found a lung-donor, thus, canceling her mother's plan. No one really knew about the outcome as the doctor only told them that she needed rest.

Axdrell and Adelee both had their birthdays on October. It felt like it was the same loop moment where Adesina was nowhere to be found—and now, Adesina is sleeping. The feeling's the same. They couldn't feel her joyfull presence.

Adiline kept on praying that her sister will wake up so that she can confess her pregnancy to her parents. It was one thing she should never miss just because she's in coma. She'd cry herself to sleep, guilty as ever for the horrible things she did to her, and guilty for the terrible plans she made to make her life a living hell, not knowing that her life was already a living Heaven through God.

Axtell was starting an orphanage here on this island primarily because of her, and developed the Church they have as a symbol of his gratitude towards God who showed mercy to his little sister. Nevertheless, no matter how much work he does in the day, he'd still be down at night.


"Please, if you're weary, sleep. We will wake you up when she wakes up. Gino...please? My little sister won't like to see you in this state, weary and weak." Adelee begged as she tried to hold his hand to pull him to the nearest couch, but he would not cooperate.

Instead, he waved his hand and said, "I am fine, Adelee. Adesina is one of my reason why I remain strong. God showed me a vision, as my core strength, I rely on Him. I just know that Adesina will make it."

She knew she didn't stand a chance on convincing him to go home or take a rest. She just left without bidding goodbye as she knew that as soon as everyone's out of the room, Gino would sob himself till sleep takes over him. She had witnessed him sobbing while holding on to Adesina's hands and planting a soft kiss on her forehead before.

When Gino sensed that he was alone, he started reading a Bible passage about love. It was on the book of Corinthians, and it told about a love that is patient and enduring. He knew right there and then that it was meant for him. It was God telling him that he should endure this time so it will bear fruit.

"I waited for 3 months to be able to see you again, my love. I wouldn't mind waiting for another couple of months if it's you who I'm waiting for." he tapped his fingers on her hands repeating a pattern , a Morse code for the word "I love you".  He ate his dinner quietly after giving thanks and then, moved the couch near to her bed.

It felt like it was the only way he could be near to her. When he laid down on the couch after cleaning himself up, he took a hold on her free hand and then went to sleep, feeling connected with his lover through their intertwined hands.



"Gino!" The young Adesina called out when she saw him tripping over a huge tree root. He was going to jump on it but his foot hit the root. She was crying when she got by his side, carrying their puppy. When she sat beside him, she had already let go of the puppy so she could focus on tending to him.

That One Eventful Night ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin