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As Gianluca drove through the darkness of the road, Alessandra curled up in the passenger seat and sobbed quietly into her hand. She could finally let out all the pain that gathered inside of her during the day as Carlos couldn't see her anymore. There was nothing within her beside the dull aching of her heart. She wanted to come back. She wanted to run straight to Carlos and never let him go again. Alessandra knew her loved one won't give up so easily on their relationship, but there were obstacles impossible to overcome, even for them. The realization that it was possibly the last time she saw a pair of gorgeous dark eyes caused more sobs to escape her chest. "Please, Alessandra. I know it's difficult for you, but I can't stand you crying so much". Gianluca tried to calm his friend down. His right hand left the gear lever to find her arm and rub it reassuringly. "There were so many things I wanted to say to him and now I'll never have the chance to let him know". She confessed, while drying her eyes with tissues the Brazilian found for her in the clipboard. "I'm sure he knows. I'm also sure that you'll have many chances to say a lot of things to each other". He assured her, while his eyes remained focused on the road before them. "You're Carlos' entire world, Alessandra. He's not going to give up on you just because the North told him to, no". Gianluca shook his head to empower his words. Alessandra turned her gaze to him, leaning her head more into the seat. She suddenly realised how mature Gianluca was. Not in his mobster role, but as a man. She didn't really had the opportunity to see him from this side, though she was glad it happened right now.

When she was thinking about it something changed in Gianluca's expression. He started to shift nervously in his seat, while his fingers grabbed the steering wheel more tightly. The muscles on his jaw were tensed and because of that more visible. Suddenly, white lights of cars approaching from the other direction flashed through the windows inside their black van. Alessandra covered her eyes as there were dozens of them, one car coming after another in close order. "Alessandra". Gianluca spoke her name very carefully. "I need you to take my phone out of my pocket and call Sergio. Right now". He commanded. He could already feel the sweat running down his spine. "What's happening? Is the crew in danger?". She asked, her heart picking up its pace when the thought of black cars filled with angry Venezuelans crossed her mind. "Hurry up!". The Brazilian rushed her as he saw in his rearview mirror one car doubling back and driving after them. Alessandra reached out for his pocket to take the phone, but the sudden fierce braking pushed her forward out of her seat as another car pulled up just before them out of nowhere. "Hide under the dash". Gianluca whispered, pushing her head down so the enemies wouldn't see her. "What about you? They're going to hurt you!". She argued, but the Brazilian couldn't be convinced. "I'll be fine, just hide there. I don't think they saw you for now".

Alessandra watched how Gianluca slowly undid his belt and checked if his gun is in its place. Then, he opened the door carefully to not burn Venezuelans up. He stepped out of the car, but he didn't raise his hands like he was giving up. Instead, he fixed his jacket and bravely stepped forward. Alessandra pushed herself up a little, hoping to see what was going on outside. All the doors of the car who cut them in opened almost in the same time. Four men came out of the vehicle, while the other car who drove after them guarded the back. Gianluca approached Venezuelans who were dressed in the finest suits, holy medals made from pure gold shining on their necks. They looked prepared for the celebration. The group was talking in Spanish, but without understanding most of the conversation Alessandra knew they're not letting them through. They're going to kill him, even as an example for others. As if to prove she was right the leader of four pulled out the gun and pointed it into direction of Gianluca's head. Alessandra covered her mouth to not scream his name. The Brazilian raised his hands a little to show that he's not there to fight. In truth, it was a disaster. Gianluca couldn't reach for his gun anymore without getting killed. Nevertheless, he still tried to persuade the man to not do this. Unfortunately, no matter what Gianluca would say or promise to those man they will kill him anyway. Not because they believe killing is the only way to make world a better place, but because they like it. It's as simple as that.

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