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Alessandra walked down the stairs into the big hall of the mansion. Then she turned to the left in order to enter the kitchen. The staff was already washing dishes and packing the food back to fridges, but once they saw her she got a full plate of delicious Mexican food in the blink of an eye. Carlos had to get up early this morning and go for a meeting with Sergio and other members to discuss the actions taken against Pastor. As for some time she decided to share his bed, Alessandra awoke soon after him when the heat of his body disappeared suddenly. She promised Carlos to get some more sleep, but when the Spaniard left it became impossible. Past weeks were tough and stressful as the truth about her status in East Coast Crew had been revealed to others. Sergio assured her that she didn't have to do this, that he could figure out something to keep the present state untouched, but Alessandra felt that she owed them at least this. There were different reactions to the truth like awkward silence once she appeared in the room, the looks ones gave her. Some gazed at her body as if they wanted to use her services. One day it started to overgrow Alessandra to the point where she rather to stay in her room for a day, keeping herself away from the main rooms when people were walking around the house. But once the meeting started, the mansion went quiet. Everybody gathered in conference room, so it was safe for to leave for a while.

"I'm surprised to see you here". Alessandra heard familiar voice behind her, when she finished her breakfast. Shivers ran down her spine as she turned around to see Carola with both kids by her sides. Sergio Junior jumped on the chair next to her, not bothered by her presence, while someone from the staff took now empty plate away. "I was leaving anyway". Alessandra said, keeping her vision low. Carola looked at her confused, while she was getting up from her chair. The lady of the house approached Alessandra with little Carlota and pushed her lightly to sit back. "You don't have to run away from me". Carola assured her, taking a seat herself. Little Carlota rested on her mother's lap, staring at the Italian with fascination. "I understand everything. We live in crazy world and you had enough strenght to survive. I admire you. I can only wish to have such courage like you. And I still consider you my friend". Alessandra gnawed on her bottom lip, trying not to tear up in front of Carola. Her words meant a lot to her, what's more she didn't expect to hear them. "Thank you". It was all she could say. Alessandra looked up at Carola and she smiled to empower her words. "I thought you'll be upstairs, playing with the big boys". She explained, which caused Alessandra to chuckle. "I wasn't invited. And honestly, I don't think someone wants me there". She replied, while the staff brought new plates for Sergio Junior and Carola, and a bowl for Carlota. "You should go there anyway. Show them where your place really is". Carola spoke something in Spanish to one of the maids and the woman came to her to take the baby away. Then she grabbed her hand without asking and lead her to the stairs. "I don't think we should be doing this. I mean, Sergio won't be mad?". Alessandra questioned, when she understood what Carola was doing, while they were climbing the stairs. Once they reached the top, Carola stopped and turned around to face her. "Don't worry about my husband. I can be very stubborn when it comes to things important to me". She replied and took Alessandra right under the door, leading to the conference room. Carola knocked two times and without waiting for permission stepped inside. Alessandra followed her, while all eyes looked in her direction, clearly unhappy for the interruption. "You didn't forget about something? Or someone?". Carola asked, targeting her husband who was sitting at the top of the long table with confusion visible in his features. Sergio's lips parted as he tried to figure out the reason of his wife's behaviour. Alessandra took a look around the room, catching Carlos' gaze at some point. He was sitting next to Sergio on the other side of the table. He wasn't angry, but he wasn't satisfied either. "Amor, forgive me, but I have no idea what you're talking about". Sergio spoke, causing Carola to sigh. "Don't you think Alessandra deserves to be here? She was in the crew after all, she knows how do her job". Carola explained and some laughs followed. "But strippers usually come in the evening". Someone said at the back. Carlos was ready to get up from his chair, but Sergio hold him down, digging his fingers into his shoulder. "You're right. She should be here from the very beginning. Thank you". Carola nodded, smiling at her husband. She turned around to leave the room, leaving Alessandra in the heart of the men's world. "There's free seat next to Gianluca". Sergio noticed and she listened, glad it was Brazilian she got to sit with. "It's nice to see you". Gianluca whispered, while Sergio regained attention of everybody. "You missed me?". She asked, smiling at young mobster. "Sure. Only fool wouldn't". He replied, his cheeks turning rosy red.

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