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"You think she's going to wake up?". Some voice asked nearby as Alessandra was balancing between sleep and reality. She wanted to open her eyes to prove that person wrong, but her eyelids refused to listen. Her body was numb. She could only lay and listen, until she'll fall into the darkness again. "How can you ask me that, Sergio? Of course she will. You just have to give her time". Another voice spoke, a deeper one. She heard it before in the church. She tried to remember the owner of that voice, but her thoughts ran slowly like thick blood or honey. "It's been three days, Carlos. I left everything in Mexico when you called. I'm afraid I can't stay any longer. What if Pastor will feel too comfortable?". Pastor Maldonado. She knew that name from Mr. Webber's office. It belonged to the boss of the rival crew from Venezuela. He knew how to cause troubles to the South. Alessandra suddenly felt relieved, knowing that she's propably under care of another sister crew. It means that she survived, but was she the only one? She wanted to wake up to tell them what happened. It's been three days. The unknown voice was right, she couldn't lay like this much longer. But still couldn't achieve her goal. Dreams hunted her one by one. The river of memories from the church tossed her like a leaf in the wind. She saw Hanna and Sebastian so happy before they died, Daniel trying to save her at all cost, Nico and every other member of the crew who fought against Romain and his men. She saw Romain Grosjean with his devilish smile. She heard him laugh as their bodies burned within walls of the church.

A gentle touch brought her back from her nightmares. Alessandra felt familiar feeling on her cheek. It helped her remember the man from the church, his dark hues, raven black hair and golden brown skin. "It's just a dream princesa". He whispered, taking some strands of her hair from her sweaty forehead. "None of it is real. You're safe". For the first time in three days Alessandra could feel her eyelids moving. When she opened her eyes for a slight second, she only saw the blue sky above her. Maybe she died in the end. After a couple of minutes she opened them again, realizing that it was just a ceiling painted in heavenly blue. "Good morning sleepyhead". The man from the church smiled at her, though this time he was real. Alessandra looked at him as she wanted to speak, but her throat was so dry. She desperately moved her lips, but no sound escaped her mouth. "Don't waste your strenght". He said, while getting up. She thought he'll leave the room, instead he came up to her pillow and moved it, so she could sit up. Then he poured her a glass of water. As he did that Alessandra observed his white button-up tighten around his broad shoulders and muscles. She took a glass from him, drinking half of it at one gulp. "Thank you". She said as her throat wasn't an African desert anymore. "How are you feeling?" The man took the glass from her and put it on the nightstand. "My whole body hurts. It's hard for me to breathe actually".

"You had three bullets in your side. One injured your lung, but our doctor took care of it. You also lost a lot of blood, so you need to rest". Alessandra looked down at her hands. "Did you find someone else alive as well?" She asked quietly, daring to look into man's dark eyes. His saddened expression already gave her an answer. "I'm sorry. We tried. While you were sleeping we sent our men again to search the area, but everybody except you were already dead". Alessandra nodded slowly, thinking about what she wanted to know next. "Did you burn down the church?". "Yes, we buried your people properly".

"Good". She tried to smile, knowing that everybody were now at peace, but somehow image of Daniel's burning body appeared in her mind and didn't want to leave. How she suppose to deal with all of this? She lost her home, her brother, her family... She was an orphan. "Are we still in New York City?". She asked when she heard familiar noises from the opened window. "Yes, moving you around would cause only more damage to your body. You're completely safe here". He assured her, but Alessandra knew she'll have to look over her shoulder for the rest of her life. "What about Romain?". The thought of the traitor awoke her fully, making her ready to find Romain and rip his head of. Only the pain in her side was an obstacle. "So you confirm it was him? We weren't sure. Crews have a lot of enemies on their own too". The man made sure, but they propably already figure it out. The East had the least troubles from all four crews, but then this happened. "It was him and he has some people on his own now". The man nodded. "We informed other crews about Romain. The North sent their men to New Orleans already. Our boss will be first to know about any leads". Alessandra sighed. She hated waiting for information. "Great. And you're from the South right?". She then realized she knew nothing about the man who basically save her life. At least it would be nice if she knew his name. "What betrayed me? My hair?". Alessandra giggled, but she regreted it as sharp pain went through her whole body. "That's correct. My name is Carlos Sainz. I'm from Spain, but I work for Sergio Perez in Mexico. And who are you? I can't call you sleepyhead all the time". Carlos joked and she wished he stopped making her laugh. "I'm Alessandra". She introduced herself, making him smile. "It's Italian, isn't it?". "It means defender of men. How funny it sounds when all men of the East are dead". She said with bitter tone. "What happened it's not your fault. Romain is sick and he needs to be stopped. I can assure you that all three crew will go after him. We'll catch him". Alessandra couldn't help but admire this determination in his voice. Carlos was ready to haunt Romain down for killing people he propably never met. It's incredible how he was devoted to crews' codex.

There was sudden but delicate knocking on the door. Carlos immediately moved a bit away from Alessandra when young boy entered the bedroom and closed the door behind him. "Good morning Gianluca". Carlos greeted the boy. "You can come closer if you want". He let out a breathy laugh as Gianluca clasped his hands in front of him, staying close to the door. "Forgive me, but I'd rather not". The boy spoke. "You have to forgive him, Alessandra. You scared the shit out of him back in the church". Carlos laughed and Gianluca rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry". Alessandra looked at the Brazilian and smiled lightly. "It's okay. I'd do the same". Gianluca combed his fingers through his dark blonde hair. "Sergio wants to see you, Carlos. He's waiting for you in his office". Carlos frowned. "What happened?". The boy sighed, knowing that The Spaniard will be pissed. "I don't know for sure, but Felipe heard that we're leaving New York tomorrow".

"Tomorrow?!". Carlos yelled, getting from the bed in the same time. "That's insane!". Gianluca swallowed. "Propably that's why he wants to talk with you". The Spaniard sighned deeply. He put his hands on his hips, while catching a glimpse of Alessandra sitting under the covers. "Stay with her, Gianluca". He ordered the young boy before leaving the bedroom. His heavy footsteps echoed in the hall as he was making his way to Sergio's office. The Mexican was sitting comfortably in his chair behind the desk when Carlos stormed into the room. "Knock, please". Carlos slammed the door in answer and walked up to him. "Why am I hearing rumours that we're leaving tomorrow?". Carlos tried to hold on his composure, but it was hard knowing the boss won't listen to him anyway. "I already explained that to you. I left Mexico in rush, unprotected. I left my family there. We have to come back before Maldonado will think about something". Sergio bent over the desk, looking straight into Carlos' eyes. "She's awake". The Spaniard spoke. His statement drastically change expression on Sergio's face. "Really? Well, you have what you wanted". His voice calm as The Mexican didn't know how he should react. He should be happy that they saved and gained a new member of the crew or be aware in case the girl brought troubles along with her. "Alessandra feels quite good. Thanks for asking". Carlos made a cutting remark with fake smile. "Still, she's too weak to travel for hours in a car and Mexico is three days away. Give her few more days". Sergio sighned. "I made my decision, Carlos. I'm sorry, but I can't risk that we'll share the same fate as The East. Maldonado may not be as crazy as Romain, but we have to be careful". Carlos saw that coming. Sergio was deaf for his request as Pastor Maldonado was the only one thing he could think about. Unfortunately if something happens, Alessandra will pay the price. "You're the boss". Carlos summed up, giving up on trying to convince Sergio to postpone their travel. "Good". Sergio relaxed a bit, leaning back in his chair. "I hope you'll prepare your lady for the journey and before that for dinner. I'd like to meet her and ask some questions". The Mexican added, while collecting papers from his desk. Carlos blinked a few times. "My lady? What the hell is that suppose to mean?". He huffed at his boss' words. "I'm afraid I don't understand. What did I say?". Sergio gave him a confused look. "You know the law, Carlos". The Spiniard shook his head. "What the law has to do with all of this?". Sergio raised his eyebrows in surprise that Carlos really didn't understand what was going on or at least he didn't remember certain rules which didn't concern him. Until now. "The crews have regulations even for such situations when one of them is brought down. The law says that whoever finds the last remaining member should from that time keep watch over that person. Since Romain was excommunicated that girl is the last member of East Coast Crew and we can presume that there's no crew anymore". Carlos' heart started to pound in his chest as he finally realised what Sergio meant earlier. "You found her in that church, Carlos. In the state of law from now on you own Alessandra. She belongs to you and with you to the whole South".

Ciao, Amore [Carlos Sainz]Where stories live. Discover now