Chapter eighteen(part 2)

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Chapter 18 (part 2)

I stared wide-eyed at the building that seemed to have gotten bigger. I stood there for a moment longer before Ryder tugged me to the front door. A bald, scary looking guy stood there in a suit. haha men in black, I thought. I shook my head at the random thought and focused on the scary guy. I held my head higher in fake confidence. Ryder smiled and said, "hey Ed! Long time no see huh?"

The scary guy smiled back faintly and nodded, "very true Ryder. What's been keeping you from The Ring? You're usually never gone for longer than two days."

Ryder shrugged and put his arm around me, "this one over here is quite the handful. I've been a little busy watching her." He laughed and I scowled at him. Ed laughed as well and opened the door, "I can tell, well good luck tonight."

Ryder nodded and we went inside. He pulled me over to the bar. I looked around. The inside was hardly as rough looking as the outside. Basic tables and chairs were everywhere. A bar was on the left side and packed full of various alcohols and sodas. In the middle of the floor was a huge boxing ring, or fighting ring in this case, with a cage surrounding it. On the right side was a dance floor with people grinding and dancing drunkenly. It was dark and smelled of sweat and excitement.

"KATE!!!!!!" I heard a familiar voice call to me. I snapped out of my thoughts to see Ashley waving her hands dramatically from the dance floor. She was still dancing, very gracefully dancing at that. She was but herself and she moved swiftly off the dance floor. I looked at her shocked.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Ben said he wanted to show me this place and that you and everyone else would be here. He told me to wear this too. I guess we are all supposed to match," she laughed and I studied her outfit. She wore a low cut, tight-fitting green tank top, a leather jacket, and dark jeans. She had her hair up in a messy ponytail that looked like flames going down her neck. I smiled and hugged her, happy that she was here.

"So where are the boys?" I asked.

"Currently failing miserably at getting dates," she said pointing to a table in the corner. I saw Joey and Ben, both wearing clothes similar to Ryder, talking to girls that looked like just fell out of the slut tree. Both girls were in short skirts and crop tops. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Ash and Ryder.

"I can tell," I laughed," so, Ryder, why are we all dressed the same?" I asked.

"Because we are a gang of course. It's good to wear your color during fight days. It'll help people know who to stay away from," he shrugged. I nodded and sat down at a stool at the bar. Ryder nodded to the bartender, that scurried away quickly. He brought three drinks back. I looked at Ryder questioningly.

"It's just sprite. Well for you two at least," he smirked and grabbed the side drink and gulped it all down. I took my sprite and sipped it quietly while watching everyone talking and damcing. I never went to places like this believe it or not. I was used to staying in and watching netflix with Rain, Tom, or by myself. I felt Ryder touch my shoulder and turned to him.

"Wanna dance?" He said softly as a slower song turned on.

"I-I'm not very good at dancing," I stammered out. He smirked and took my hand.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you," he said leading me to the floor. I nodded shyly. wow I was becoming meek, I thought. Nonetheless, I followed him. He placed his hands on my hips and started to sway and move me. I picked up the rhythm quickly and started swaying my hips on my own. Before I knew it my eyes were closed just feeling the beat and Ryder hand removed his hands. The song changed into a faster one and started dancing to that as well. I was throwing my hands in the air and laughing. I moved my hips side to side and sang a bit of the song that I knew as well. The song ended and I opened my eyes to see Ryder staring at me. He moved closer to me until his mouth was against my ear.

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