Chapter twelve

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Chapter 12

I was lost, very very lost. After I ran away from Ryder I started walking down the road. I don't know how long I walked, but I ended up near a bar. I huffed and looked at my phone. I looked through my apps when I realized I had a GPS app on my phone. I did a mental face palm and typed in my address quickly. As it loaded a little loading sign appeared and I noticed my battery life was on 2%. Damn it to hell, I thought. I looked at the bar and frowned. I guess I had to see if they had a phone and at least call Tom. I walked in, thankful it wasn't a guarded bar, and spotting Tom's friend, Jace. He was laughing and playing pool in the corner with Tom's other friend, Lance. I walked past them, hoping they wouldn't see me. Too late, they spotted me. I winced when Jace grinned evilly. He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. His dull brown eyes were watching me as i winced and and shrugged his arm off me. Lance smirked and walked over to me as well. He poked my stomach and i punched his arm hard. I grumbled and held his arm.

"Leave me alone. Besides, you guys are too young to be here, you realize that, right?" I said coldly. Jace hushed me and pushed me towards the small exit hallway in the back. I glared at him.

"Don't you dare talk back to me, stupid bitch. Just because we are friends with your brother doesn't mean you get a free pass. I still remember last time I came over and you punched me, and now you've punched one of my best buds here. I think you, little girl, need to be taught a good lesson." Jace spat in my face. I didn't speak as he dragged me outside. He pushed me on the wall and punched me in the stomach. I whimpered in pain as he went to punch me again. I closed my eyes as the pain spread over my stomach. Jace motioned for Lance to join and Lance threw a horribly aimed punch to my gut, but ended up hitting my shoulder. I hissed at the pain then grabbed his fist and kicked him in the gut. He fell down and groaned. I had almost forgot about Jace as he grabbed my hair pulling my head back. I growled and kicked back making him fall on the ground beside me.

I started to walk away when Lance got up and gripped my arm, throwing me against the wall. My head hit hard and I was dizzy for about two seconds when I got another punch to my stomach. I cried whimpered more, holding back threatening tears. I would not cry in front of these assholes. I saw Jace get up and go to punch me when a hand stopped him. I looked at the person who stopped him and my eyes widened with complete fear. It was a very, very pissed off looking Ryder. He pulled Jace's arm to make Jace look him in the eye. I would of laughed at his face if I wasn't so scared. Ryder smirked, obviously amused by Jace's fear. He raised his fist and punched Jace in the face. Jace fell and all hell broke lose. Tom came bursting out the exit door. He looked around at the scene, and anger covered his face. He didn't seem to see me as I was hiding behind one of the dumpsters in the back.

"What the hell is going here?" Tom said. Ryder didn't say anything so Tom pulled him by his collar.

"We had an agreement, I don't mess with your guys and you don't mess with mine," Tom said deathly calm. I had never seen him look this way. He looked almost killer. I stepped out when Tom was about to punch Ryder. He saw my movement and looked over to me. A look passed over his face and he put Ryder down. My heart was pounding. Tom looked upset and pissed all at the same time. He walked up to me and pointed his finger.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" He said very slowly. I didn't say anything, so he came closer and repeated his words even louder.

"I-I got lost and-I found this place and thought I would um call you," I said stuttering and scared. Tom has never gotten angry at me, and I didn't know how to deal with this. Tom huffed and paced for a bit before turning back to me and saying, "Get the hell out of here, dumbass."

My mouth dropped open. That was the first time he'd ever yelled at me or called me anything other than sis or beautiful. I felt a few hot tears fall down my cheek. I furiously wiped them off and glared at Tom.

"Fuck you, asshole," I said quietly and ran off into the street, dodging the car that was coming. I ran and ran and found myself all the way back at the meadow. I fell down exhausted, furious, and upset. I cried hard and held my knees to my chest. The sky started to dim, but I didn't care. I wasn't going home anyways. Not while Tom is there. I cried more as sleep over took me.


I woke up with a pounding headache. The Sun was barely rising over the trees. I got up and held my head and stretched my sore sore mucles. I guess sleeping on the ground wasn't the smartest idea, but I sure as hell wasn't going home. I stood up and walked out of the path and onto the road. I started walking to where the high school was, simultaneously wiping dirt and grass and flower petals off my clothes. I know my backpack was still at school. Lucky for me, my charger was still in the front pocket of it. I saw the high school come into my sight. My legs were killing me, but I didn't care. I guess I needed the exercise anyways, right? I nodded to myself and walked past the school. My house was maybe a thirty minute walk from the school.

After a while, I saw my house and would've ran if I didn't feel like collapsing. I hadn't eaten since yesterday at lunch. I felt dizzy an my stomach was growling furiously. I walked in and passed out on the floor.

Hey everyone. thank you for all your comments and votes. again I say they always keep me updating. this is a bit longer of a chapter and full of surprises huh? Haha, btw what do you guys think of Tom? Or his friends Jace and Lance? Well don't hate them yet. their story will be soon. The picture attached is Tom. Pretty cute huh? Lol

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