Chapter twenty-three

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Chapter 23

3 days later

Ashley's P.O.V

Ben and I were driving back to my house. He had not talked to me since we left Ryder's house. The radio was playing some unknown song quietly and he was tapping his finger on the steering wheel. He only did that when he was upset, something I had learned over the few weeks we've been together. I reached over and touched his shoulder.

"Ben, what's wrong?" I said quietly. He shook off my hand and stared at the road.

"We will talk when we get to your house," he said bluntly. I moved so I faced towards the window. Within a few minute we were pulling up to my apartment. Well, it was my apartment.

The whole building was covered  caution tape. Sirens on police cars rang loudly from the street. I quickly got out of the car and went to a standing officer trying to calm down the small crowd of neighbors.

"What on earth happened here?" I asked the officer. His name tag read H. Henderson.

"An anonymous call was made saying that screams could be heard from the building," Henderson said, "we've looked through the place and found some gruesome stuff in one room. We need you to find a place to stay for maybe a few days until we can clean up the room and finish looking for anymore evidence."

I took in the information and looked over to Ben. His face was like stone, completely expressionless. The only thing suspicious was his jaw was slightly clinched. He held my arm and smiled tightly at the cop.

"She can stay at my place. She's my girlfriend, and I've contacted my parents already," he said quickly. He held my hand and led me to the car.


Kate's P.O.V

3 days before

Everyone had left Ryder's house and we sat in the living room silently. The twins and Ryder's mom had gone to his grandma's house for a few days. We looked at each other.


"Yes, Kate."

"Something's wrong."


I moved closer to him and leaned on him. He put his arm around my waist. I sighed, "What's wrong?"

"My father called this morning," he said softly. I kissed his shoulder in response.

"What did he say?"

"He got in some trouble and asked for my help."

We sat in silence again. I got up and motioned for him to get up as well. He did and I held his hand and walked to his bike. He handed me his helmet and got on. I got on behind him and the engine roared to life. He seemed to already know my thoughts and went to the meadow. We walked the path there in silence and sat under a willow tree. The leaves covered the whole sky, almost down to the grass. We were in our own world at this point. Free to speak and so he did.

"He went out to go to the bar for a little while and got in a fight with some dangerous guys. I have to go help him. He might not be the best father but he's the only one I have and that's more than some people."

My eyes watered slightly after hearing that. He realized his mistake and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry," I nodded in reply. "I really do have to go help him though. I'll be leaving around dinner." Again I nodded and looked up at him.

"Be safe," I said softly. He didn't reply just pulled me to him and kissed my forehead. We stayed like until it was late and he had to leave. When he dropped my off at the house I got into Jean's car and followed as close as I could without being seen. To hell with him if he thinks he going without me, I thought. He pulled into a local bar called Fat Bill's. I parked close
enough to see him walk in but far enough to where he wouldn't be able to see me.

I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail and threw on a dark jacket. I looked in the rear view mirror and shook out my hair, adding a black eyeliner to a slight wing. I got out of the car and locked it. I only got two steps away from the car before a moist cloth covers my mouth and a huge arm wraps around my waist. Black dots cover my vision and I black out, feeling myself being carried away.

The next morning

My head is pounding as I slowly open my eyes. It's dim and musty smelling, and my throat is dry and scratchy. I cough and hear someone gasp.

"Who's there?" I hear a familiar voice.

"W-who is asking?" I say quietly. Then I hear movement and arms wrap around me.

"Oh my god, Kate, baby, what're you doing here?" He says in a rush of air. I move to wrap my arms around his waist and stay silent. He kisses the top of my head and sighs.

"I-I followed you, t-then there was a guy. I can't really remember much," I whisper. I took a few deep breaths trying to steady myself. A door opened and the faintest crack of light showed through. A man walked through and crossed his arms in front of us.

"Oh how cute."


Hello everyone, thank you so so much for reading. There's been a lot of stress lately so my writing has faltered. There's a picture of John attached. Thank you so much again!

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