Chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15

OH GOD NO, I thought.

On the bed I saw a red shirt that had the lowest cut collar I had ever seen. It was long sleeve, red, and short. It was also the only thing on the bed. I huffed sat on the bed then yelled to the door, "I am not putting that darn thing on. If you do not open up that door and let me find something else, I'll get you good."

I tried to watch my language considering there were two little ones in the house. I heard Ryder's deep chuckle come from the other side of the door. I walked over to it and banged on it loudly.

"Shh, my mom wakes up early remember. She needs her sleep," He said and I could almost see the smirk the was surely on his face. I huffed and sat there for a moment longer and then called out in my sweetest voice, "Okay I changed come in." I heard the door creak open and went to make a run for it, but I was caught by two strong arms around my waist an pulled back into the room. The door closed and Ryder stood in front of it with a smug smile. I glared at him and he replied with a looked at the red shirt on the bed. I huffed yet again and grabbed the shirt frustrated. I gestured for him to get out. He walked out and I heard the lock click again. I took off the shirt I was wearing and put it one leaving on my jeans. I could sleep in jeans, I'd done it before. I knocked softly on the door, signaling for him to come in. He peeped through a crack and frowned.

"I don't quite remember adding pants into the outfit I gave you," He grinned like a six year old about to get a cookie. I groaned and muttered various profanities before closing the door and ridding myself of the constricting jeans. I was half relieved to get out of them, but I dreaded Ryder walking in. I pulled the end of the shirt down as far as I could. It only came down to about mid thigh, god forbid I raise my arms though. I heard the door open and Ryder walked in with a triumphant smile until he looked directly at me. His eyes went wide and darkened and he licked his lips. He slowly walked closer to me and I backed up. Last time his eyes were dark I was yelled at and tended up by my collar. I blushed and immediately my eyes went to the floor.

I kept moving back until my back hit something hard. It was the wire frame of his bed. I could feel him getting closer and, before I knew it, I felt a light kiss being placed on my cheek. Ryder reached around me to grab and plush beige blanket hanging off the edge of the bed next to me. I looked up at him and he smiled. Well my heart didn't melt but it was definitely about to jack hammer out of my chest.

"I'm not gunna touch you, I promise. I just had you put that on for my own amusement, plus you look sexy," he said softly and put his arm around my waist gently. I smiled playfully and looked at him, " I thought you weren't gunna touch me."

"Well it's hard to not. Anyways I have an extra pair of pjs for you. Now before you say they won't fit, they will," he said simply.

"I wasn't going to say that," I lied and blushed slightly. He laughed quietly and pulled out a pair of blue and black striped pj pants and a black tank top. He tossed them to me and put the blanket he had grabbed on the couch. he walked out the door again and let me change. I was surprised the pants for over my butt and thighs. Even more surprised that the tank top fit over my gut. Unfortunately, I didn't get out of the low cut trend Ryder has considering how low the tank top was. I pulled it up to cover a fair amount of cleavage even though the top of my bra was peeking out. I sighed and called him back in.

"I personally think you looked pretty good in the last outfit, but I kinda like you wearing my clothes," he smirked suggestively.

"You're a dick," I muttered.

"You forgot a few words like: have before the a, and amazing after the have," he grinned evilly and I smacked his arm, but laughed at his stupid joke. He laid back on the black leather couch to the side of his room next to the door. I looked around his room. It had dark navy walls and a white carpet. There was a flat screen in front of the bed as well. The bed had black sheets that matched the black comforter and pillows. It looked like a regular guys room, though I haven't really been in many of those. If I had to guess, I would say most guy's rooms looked similar though. The only thing about his room that bothered me was the fact that there was nothing on the walls or on the desk at the other side of his room. No pictures, posters, bags, books, nothing. You would think no one lived here besides the closet being fully stocked with clothes filling the racks and the drawer that was inside.

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