Chapter three

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Chapter 3

I ran towards a tree and remembered the notepad I had in my backpack. I took it out along with a pencil and a sharpener. I did a rough draft of what would soon be my newest painting for my room. I heard Ryder chuckle and looked up at him.

"Move asshole your in my way." I said pushing his legs so he would move back.

"Nah I'm good." He said not moving an inch.

I huffed and put everything away knowing he wasn't gonna move. He sat down and stared at me.

"Your weird." He stated simply.

"Gee thanks." I said sarcastically.

"No it's good. you don't fall at my feet like other girls do." he said. I rolled my eyes. He thinks he is so amazing, I thought to myself.

"Yea that's because I have eyes." I said glaring at him. Did he just bring me hear to gloat? I thought. I got up and walked towards another edge of the meadow. I couldn't help but be in a good mood, it was beautiful here. The sun shined down on me, making my face heat up a bit.

"So why did you bring me here anyways?" I asked. He smiled at me but said nothing. I asked again a bit more irritated.

"I felt like it,"he said finally."plus your were there and had pissed me off earlier. Though I guess this isn't what you do when someone pisses you off." He chuckled and smiled warmly at me.
"Well your the one who annoyed me this morning. I wouldn't of pissed you off if you would've left me alone." I stated coldly. His eyes darkened slightly and he glared at me. Okay, I thought, what pissed off his majesty now.

"Don't sit in my spot and I'll leave you alone." he said coldly.

"Fine drama queen chill." I said scowling at him. He got up and started leaving the meadow. I huffed and followed him.

"Why are we leaving?" I pouted.

"Because I want to leave. Now come on before I make you walk home." He sped up and I stumbled behind. by the time we got back to the opening in the woods I was out of breath. He had me nearly running to keep up with him. I do not run, ever.

"What's wrong fat ass? A little walk has you out of breath. how pathetic." he laughed harshly. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. Again with the fat comments, I got the point. I flipped him off. After he got on the motorcycle, I hopped on and put my arms around him.

We got back to school shortly after that. It was around the end of fifth period, that meant lunch was next.
I waited around until the bell rang and walked off to lunch. Ryder had left me alone once we got back on school grounds so I had no one. Since I had no where else to sit, I sat at the same table I sat at that morning. I pulled out my iPod and untangled the headphones. I blasted I'm Not A Vampire by Falling in Reverse and looked around the lunch room. I spotted my brother at the other side of the room. He looked over at me and grinned. He waved his hand like a madman and I laughed, rolling my eyes. Tom sat down with his douchebag friends. I continued looking around the lunchroom as my music switched to another song.

As I turned my face towards my backpack to grab the candy bar I had stashed in there a hand smacked my cheek hard. OH HELL NO, I thought. I looked at the person who slapped me. It was a brunette, supermodel thin girl wearing, oh god no, a mini skirt and a short top. Is that even allowed in school? Im checking the dress code later, I thought.

"Hey bitch," I heard the chick say. I looked towards her again. " Stay away from Ryder, he's MINE." She had the most annoyingly high pitched voice I'd ever heard. I got up slowly and looked her dead in the eyes. She was taller than me but I knew I could break her in half if I wanted to. I used to get in fights here and there at my old school.
"Look sweetheart," I said." I don't want to fight on my first day of school. So let's handle this an easy way. First of all call me bitch again and that fake nose of yours is getting ripped off. Second of all you can have Ryder. I'm not interested in a pansy fake ass bad boy." Okay maybe he wasn't fake but at least that helps get my point across.
She stood there with her mouth open then went to slap me again. I caught here hand punched her in the gut. She doubled over and fell on the floor. I ran the hell out of there. I'm not getting caught for this.

As I was leaving people crowded around the girl. I saw Ryder walking towards her to. He looked at me then at her and grinned evilly. I guess he figure out what happened on his own. I got to the library and waited for the bell to ring. I walked to sixth period, looking down at my schedule. Great it's gym. This is gonna be fun, I thought sarcastically. I walked towards the gym not caring if I was late or not. As I walked in I saw Tom, Ryder, the brunette chick, and the only one of Toms friends I didn't hate, Jake.
Tom was glaring at Ryder and the brunette as Jake was blabbing about something random. Ryder had his arm around the brunette and smiled when he spotted me.

Well this should be interesting, I thought.


Hey everyone I'm sorry for the slow update I've got a lot happening right now I'll be sure to update quicker in the future thank you for reading.

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