Chapter nine

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Chapter 9

Kate's POV

He kissed me. Well he kissed my cheek anyways. Why did he do that? ugh, I wish he would've stayed. I sighed and stopped my thoughts before I got too stupid. I have no time to deal with boys. I deal with enough at home. I slowly touched my cheek and smiled then shook my head.

Tonight, I thought, I'll have a me night. I smiled and grabbed my favourite strawberry ice cream and cream soda. I bounced onto my bed. Taking a quick look around my room, I felt at peace. My room was dark red with gold trim and a huge yin and yang sign on the ceiling, that was also gold. I remember when I first painted it and how happy I was with it when I finished. My room was the only place my mother couldn't control or ruin. It was mine.

I wrapped the red comforter of my bed around me and turned on the flat screen TV that hung on the wall. My favourite show, Supernatural was on, followed by the Saw series. Well if I was going to have a me night might as well not sleep.

After all the movies were over and my Quart of ice cream was eaten, I put everything away and snuggled in my bed. I was slowly drifting to sleep when I felt a presence in my room. I jumped out of bed, fists ready, to face my attacker.

"Woah there little lion, it's only me," Ryder said smugly. I groaned and fell back on the bed. Suddenly aware of my current bed room attire, yoga shorts and a black tank top, I wrapped the blanket around my arms.

"What do you want? You do realise you're trespassing and I'm aloud to kill you out of self defence," I stated angrily. I was just starting to forget about this damn jerk. He grinned and sat down beside me. In one swift motion, he was on top of me, his hands beside my face. I was cornered, no escape, his eyes sucked me in. The grin he had earlier was now a scowl.

"Who gave you the note?" He said in a low voice.

"What note?" I questioned before remembering this afternoon. My face fell. That stupid bitch, I thought. " It was no one."

He huffed in frustration and got off.

"Why won't you tell me?" he said. At that sentence I felt my rage flare up again.

"You mean after you practically made the rest of my year a living hell? Or how my brother seems to hate you? Or how that bitch started...." I trailed off, stopping myself before I brought up Diana. I glanced over at him. He wasn't moving or talking. I realised I had stood up and immediately hid the fat my tank top covered but didn't hide. He walked up to me and pulled me to him. He was hugging me and before I could protest or push away he said, "Please forgive me. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just got annoyed that some random chick dared to challenge me. I don't want people thinking I'm weak. I refuse to let it happen. I wanted to put you in your place and make you understand that you can't do that. Though it seems I've become interested in you. Therefore you're not getting rid of me, babe, not yet anyways."

I was frozen. I pushed him away gently, glad he let me push him away. Then for the first time in my whole life I laughed. I laughed so hard that I fell on the bed clutching my sides.

"What do you think this is Ryder? Some cheesy movie," I said still chuckling. I took a long breath and said, " Look, babe, I don't need you to come and rescue me. I can save myself. Secondly, don't you ever read my private things. that note was none of your business. Finally, just because you got away with sneaking in my house once, doesn't mean that you're allowed to do this all the time. Now get the hell out before I slap you into next week."

I felt proud, better, and just plain normal saying that. Now it was his turn to be shocked. I bet he thought I was just gonna be in love with him right then and there. Well that's not how I roll. He just stared at me, then shook his head and smirked. He pulled out his phone and looked at it, then held it up towards me.

"It's 11:11 make a wish babe," he said then climbed out the window saying, "by the way, you look sexy when you're angry."

With one last wink he climbed down the wall. As I got into my bed I heard the soft purr of a motorcycle. I smiled, somewhat thankful for his appearance. Finally, I fell asleep.


Thank you again for all the votes and follows. You guys keep me writing. thank you so much.

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