Chapter six

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Chapter 6

I woke up to see a small tight black dress on my bed. Ugh, I thought, I hate my mother. I looked at it. It was lined at the top with sliver gems and had small ruffles at the bottom. I looked at the size. It was a twelve. I could fit it snugly. I huffed and decided to amuse my mother and put it on.

It was awkward at first and I looked in the mirror. I grimaced. How awful, I thought. My hair was a mess, my eyes had small bags under them, and had stuff in them. I brushed out my hair and curled it quickly then put on a bit of mascara, sliver eye shadow, and eye liner. If I was gonna look good I was gonna look good. I grabbed a pair of black flats, instead of the heels next to my bed my mother gave me.

Tom walked in my room and gasped slightly. He wasn't expecting me to actually wear a dress. A grin formed quickly on his face.

"You look gorgeous." he said. I smiled an blushed slightly. Satisfied with a smile, he left the room. I grabbed a black cardigan and hurriedly put it on while grabbing my bag and walking down stairs. I strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of cookies. I heard a snort from my mother. I looked over to her and scowled.

"If you're finally going to wear an actual outfit today, don't ruin it by eating junk food. the seams might break." she said. I silently turned away and walked out of the kitchen to see Tom. He had a small frown on his face and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back and smiled.

"Let's get to school," I said just wanting to get out of the house. He nodded and we left.

As the car pulled into the school parking lot, my heart started to race. what would people say? what would Ryder say? I shook the thought of him out of my head. I hopped out of the car and headed towards the school. No one really said anything, though I did hear a few "woah"s and "damn" from a few guys making me blush.

I head towards the cafeteria and sat at the table I sat at yesterday. I turned on my iPod and drowned myself in my music as usual. I felt a hand on my shoulder and gasp and turned around quickly. It was Ryder.

"Hey," I heard him say as I took out my earphones.

"Hi," I said warily. He sat down beside me and propped his feet on the table. I rolled my eyes and was about to go back to my music when he grabbed my face and pulled me up. he studied my appearance and I stared blankly at him. He smirked.

"Well well well you're looking pretty hot today babe," he said with a wink and sly smile. I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him. Picking up my bag, I started walking away as he caught up to me and hung his arm on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and kept walking. the music blasted from my earphones and he tugged one out of my ear. he was about to say something when Diana decided it was her time to walk through the school doors.

She walked straight up to me and Ryder, then she grabbed him by the shirt, pushed him against the wall, and kissed him forcefully. I rolled my eyes and walked away quickly. the bell rung and it was time for first period.

When school was finally over I had had no sightings of Ryder or Diana. I guessed they just went off to do random dirty things in a cheap motel. I jumped into Toms truck and nearly broke the door slamming it shut. Tom got in with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"I'm fine," I replied bluntly. He gave me a look but said nothing more. We silently went home. Mother's car was gone and I sighed in relief. I stormed up to my room. Looking on my bed I see a note. I open it warily.

Dear Kate,

I'll be gone in Europe for the next few weeks. Try not to ruin Toms eating habits with yours. I need one of my children to follow my footsteps. I decided to stop picking out outfits for you. The one you wore today just didn't look right. I guess you just weren't meant for cute stuff.



Tear ran down my face as I read the note. That stupid bitch, I thought. I sat down on my bed and brought my knees to my chest. I cried hard for a few minutes before I heard my window open. I screamed in shock as a hand came down over my mouth. I looked at the trespasser and was face to face with a smirk I knew all to well.

"What do you think you're doing here?" I screamed. He laughed and fell on my bed. He looked at me and he face twisted in confusion.

"Have you been crying?" he said in a low voice that would normally have me drooling, but since I was upset I just shook my head no. He stood up and wiped a tear I didn't know that fell off my face with thumb. His warm hand cupped my cheek for a moment longer before a knock on the door snapped my back to reality.

"Kate are you okay? I heard you scream," Tom said, worry clear in his voice.

"N-nothing! I just dropped a cup and it hit my foot," I replied hoping he would buy the lie.

"Okay, if you need me call me. I'm going out with the guys today."

"Okay," I said.

A few moments later the front door closed and me and Ryder were stuck in my house. Alone. He smirked.

"So babe, what should we do now?" he said.


Hey everyone, sorry for not updating in a while.

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