Chapter twenty-one

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Chapter 21

Ashley's P.O.V

I was shivering inside a large box I found near the old warehouse. All the sidewalks, roads, houses, and yards were covered in a thin layer of frost. I had a small jacket I stole from Goodwill and gloves someone had left at the park. I sat inside the cold box trying to keep the frost off me. My bright red hair fell into my face and my eyes stung from sleepless nights. I had been on my own for awhile now. No money, family, or friends there to help me. I tried to get a job, but they wouldn't hire me since I was 15. I pulled my knees to my chest, thankful that my petite frame fit in the large box. My stomach growled and I knew I would have to steal some food later. I heard footsteps approaching and moved as far back in the box as I could. A pair of leather shoes stopped in front of me. The person kneeled down and looked into the box. He had dark brown hair and blues eyes. He held a blank expression and stared at me. He held his hand out and rubbed his thumb over his pointer finger like he was snapping, but there was no sound.

"Here kitty kitty," he said in a soft masculine voice. I glanced up through my hair at him confused. Did he think I was a cat? He chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the box. He took off his thick brown coat and put it over my shoulders. It smelled like pine and warm vanilla. I loved it and hugged it tighter around me. It was huge and looked almost like a cloak on me. I looked up at him confused again as he stared with an amused expression. He took my hand and pulled me towards a black limo. I pulled away, still wary of this stranger in front of me. He briefly smiled and took my hand again.

"Don't worry," he says softly, "I'm just helping you."

I was still skeptical, but as a chilling breeze blew by I shivered and got into the heated car. He followed in after me and sat next to me. He picked up a phone attached to the door and muttered and address, to whom I'm guessing was the driver. I didn't know if I could trust him. I looked over to him. He seemed like he was studying the seat in front of him. He then turned to me, capturing my complete attention.

"What's your name?" He asked quickly.

"Ashley," I said in a meek voice.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 15."

"I'm Daron, I'm 19," he said. My eyes went wide in shock. He looked at least 25, but was he really 19? He chuckled and ruffled my hair.....

I woke up in chills. I haven't thought of that in such a long time. It's been almost three years since then. I shook my head. I didn't want to think about that anymore. I tried to sit up but noticed an arm around my waist. I looked next to me noticing Ben's sleeping face. I cautiously lifted up the blanket covering us. How did I end up here anyways?, I thought. I saw that we were fully clothed and sighed in relief. Ben stirred and opened his eyes.

"Hey," he said sleepily, "how do you feel?"

"I'm fine. What happened?" I said softly. He got up an crossed the room to turn on the lights. As the light flickered on I covered my eyes. I felt the smallest of headaches coming on and opened my eyes again. Ben sat back down on the bed next to me. I looked around what seemed to be his room.

"Ash, you passed out after you ran like hell out of The Ring," he said. I remembered seeing him again. I remembered running and Ben catching up to me. I guess I was a little surprised. Ben's thumb rubbed the tear I shed off my cheek.

"You talk in your sleep, you know?" He said softly.

"What did you hear?"

"I'm guessing that guys name is Daron," he said, " the one that called you kitten last night." He nearly spat out the word kitten. I lowered my gaze to my lap.

"It's a long story," I said. He took out his phone and looked at the time.

"It's only 4 in the morning. We have a while till I have to take you home. Please explain," he said sternly. I went on to retell my whole dream...


Kate's P.O.V

Ryder say in a chair across the room from me. We had been up all night. I was worried about Ash but happy she was safe with Ben. Ryder and I have hardly spoken since we saw my uncle. It was quite a shock for me. Uncle Daron explained to me that the guy who used to own The Ring had made a deal with him and he now took over the place. He wouldn't tell me how he knew Ash, but I was going to find out. John and Joey had left soon after Daron told us about the deal. I was too worried about Ashley to party anymore. Ryder took us back home and told me that Ben said he and Ashley would be catching a ride with John and Joey later.

After we got home, Ryder had waited for me to change, then changed himself in the closet. I was still worried about Ashley, she had been so pale and scared looking when she saw Daron. How did they know each other? Ryder sat down next to me and pulled me into his lap.

"Ashley's fine. Ben texted me and said she had passed out and will be staying at his house," he said and I nodded. He kissed my cheek and leaned back against the wall. I leaned on his chest, still in his lap.

"You need to sleep. We've had a long night," he said starting to get up. I held on to his shirt.

"Will you sleep with me again?" I said softly. He grinned.

"I'd love to sleep with you again, but we'd have to have done it once to let it happen again."

I gave him a look and he held up his hands in surrender. "You know what I meant," I said.

"Yea I know," he said letting me off his lap to lay down. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.


Helllloooo everyone! I missed you! Sorry it's been so long but I've been moving an unpacking the last few weeks. I hope you enjoy this chapter. The picture attached is Daron. Oh! By the way, I was thinking of changing Kate's size to sixteen and the book name to sexy in size sixteen. I've gotten a lot of comments about how everyone doesn't seem to consider size twelve "plus sized". I hoping this book could appeal to a variety of people with a more average but still bigger size. but oh well. what do you think about that?

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