Chapter two

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Chapter two

I sit in the back on the art room still furious at that damn Ryder guy. The teacher Mrs. Greenwood is going on and on about how art is life and blah blah blah. She ends her rambling with our first assignment. The assignment is to sketch out how you are feeling at the moment. Yay, I thought, this is gonna be perfect. With that thought I started drawing a series of random swirls and lines that ended looking like a flesh eating monster. It was huge and furry and had blood dripping from its teeth. We all showed her our drawings and I got a 100. Yay me.

The bell rings as I walk towards my next class. Stupid geometery. As I'm walking I get pulled aside into the janitors closet. It was dark until I heard a click and the light flickered on. I look at the person who dragged me in there and see its the damn bastard, Ryder. i glare at him and turn to leave when he grabs me pushes me against the door and reaches over and locks the door. I glare at him again while he just smirks.

"What do you want?" i say annoyed.

"Hey fat ass. I just wanted to talk to my new toy and let her know her place." he said. His voice was husky and terrifying. I stared at him in awe. Did he just call me fat ass?And just who is he calling his new 'toy'? My temper flared and my eyes watered at the fat comment. I got enough of that shit from my mother. I forced the tears back and put my arms over my stomach then thought a moment and punch him dead in the nose. Bullseye, i thought happily and did a victory dance in my mind. He stumbled into the shelf and looked at me in utter shock. I smirked and said with a voice like ice, "Oh did you think the poor fat ass couldnt fight." i laughed harshly. "And what do you mean by 'toy' i have no intention of being anyones toy, so whatever you thought rethink it. Or ill bloody that pretty little face of yours. Got It" I yelled.

He looked at his hand and saw a trickle of blood. His eyes where black as night in the lighting and he stared at me for a few moments before slamming his fist against the door nearly hitting my face. I jumped slighty and looked at him annoyed. His eyes bore into me. I felt as if he could see my soul. I looked away, my face completely flushed.

"Look bitch you cannot talk to me that way got it. And you will not ever punch me again. Ok?" He said in a deathly calm tone. I was shaking in fear at this point but I was not about to back down anytime soon. I pushed him away using all my strength and and crossed my arms. He moved back towards me and was way too close for my comfort. I tried pushing him away again but he expected it this time and stayed put and smirked down at me. I noticed how tall he was at that point. He was at least a foot taller than me and I was 5'3. He looked down at me as if he was studying me.

"Why don't you like me?" He said surprised. I looked at him in awe. I just sat there for a moment and thought. Then narrowed my eyes at him.

"Excuse me? your asking me why i dont like you i thought it was pretty clear." i yelled completely outraged, "First of all you pissed me off this morning. Second of all my brother seems to hate you so thats reason enough for me because its almost impossible for tom to hate people. Finally you fucking pulled me in here and called me a toy , fat ass, and bitch. Are you getting the picture yet?"

I looked straight into his eyes and gave him a death glare. He stared back for a moment before laughing and moving closer to me. At this point our bodies were touching slightly and I could feel warmth in my cheeks. At that moment the bell rings and i reach to open the door but Ryder stops me and pushes me against the wall again. I glare at him in annoyance this time and he chuckles a bit.

"Come on your skipping school with me today." He says opening the door.

"Umm No I dont think so sorry." I say walking out the door though he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the side doors at the end of the hall. I pull away but he has a firm grip on my hand. We go out the doors and im now being pulled towards the back of the school parking lot. He stops at the coolest jet black motorcycle ever. I almost laugh at the clicheness of the 'bad boy' having a motorcycle. He hopped on and handed me a black helmet. I stood there staring at him dumbly.

"Put the helmet on stupid. After that get on i want to take you somewhere." I stared at him for a bit longer then shrugged and huffed and got on. I tried to stay as far back as I could but he revved the engine and I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist. In case you didn't realize already but I have never ridden a motorcycle ever. He looks back at me and chuckles, "hold on babe, u might fall." I glare at him and reply with "you better be glad I hate geometry asshole."

We drive for what seems like forever until we get to the woods and he stops just outside an opening in the trees. He put the bike behind some bushes and grabbed my hand. He walked towards a narrow path that the opening led to. Everything was gorgeous and I wish I could've brought my sketch pad because I really wanted to draw this. The trees were so perfectly green and knotted together almost magically. I was so caught up in how beautiful it was I didn't noticed Ryder stop and I ran smack into his back. I rubbed my nose and frowned and he looked back at me while I glared at him. He rolled his eyes and pointed to meadow with a willow tree surrounded by white yellow and purple flowers. I immediately started running towards it but Ryder still held on to my hand and stopped me. "Now now hold your horses babe." He said his voice full of amusement.

"How did you find this place?" I asked then decided to add " were you looking for a place to fuck a random slut." I laughed but he looked pissed at that remark.

"No actually I was bored and went for walk." He said matter of factly. With that he let my hand go and I ran towards my new favorite place.


Sorry it was so short I'll try to make the next chapter longer thanks for reading plz vote and comment

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