Chapter four

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Chapter 4

The brunette spotted me again narrowed her eyes. her heels clicked across the gym floor as she walked, annoying me to the core.

"I can't believe you punched me, you violent bitch!" she yelled.

I rolled my eyes and walked past her. I'm not dealing with annoying people. I walked towards Tom, and he wrapped his arms around me smiling.

"How's my beautiful baby sis? I heard you got in a fight today " he said. I laughed as he looked me over, obviously worried if I was okay.

"I'm perfectly fine." I say smiling still. Tom nods and looks in my eyes again. He smiles sweetly. I hear a cough from Jake. Tom turns back towards his friend as they continued their conversation. Ryder walked up to me a slumped his arm around my shoulder. I pushed it off and faced him.

"Would you get that annoyance," I say pointing to the brunette. " out of my face?"

Ryder laughed and waved the brunette away. She stormed off with a huff, leaving the echoing sound of her heels against the gym floor. Ryder turned back to me.

"Now now, little lion, don't be so mean to poor Diana." he said teasingly. I glared at him.

"Don't call me that, and I would of been nice to her if the bitch didn't slap me." I say furiously. Ryder chuckled, fueling my anger more.

"Diana was just jealous. you should forgive her and say your sorry." He said.

"Say sorry!" I yelled. Everyone's eyes were on us. I glared at them and they went back to talking. "I'm not apologising for putting her in her place." I stomped away and sat on the bleachers. The coach walked in and introduced himself. He had us run 10 laps around the gym. I was out of breath by the end. A few girls laughed, they were obviously friends with the Diana chick. they walked by me muttering words like "fat ass", "porky", "bitch", and "fugly emo chick". I sighed as the bell rang and finally I got to leave this hell.

I ran towards Tom's truck and hopped in. He got in a few minutes later. We drove home with him asking the normal questions, "how was your day?", "what did you do?", blah blah blah. I answered them, leaving out the fact I skipped a few classes. When we pulled up to the house, I saw a bright red BMW in the driveway. It was mother's car. Fear struck me as I slowly took off my seatbelt.Tom looked concerned, but he knew he couldn't really do anything. I got out and slowly opened the door to reveal the devil in a bright pink, size zero dress.


I'm sorry it's such a short chapter. I've been very busy these past weeks. please enjoy!

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