Chapter sixteen

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Chapter 16

When we got to school, everyone was staring at me. I could hear whispers that seemed to circulate around us as he walked me into the school. My face flushed and I kept my head down. Ryder's friend, Ben, met us at the front of the school. Ben smiled and put his arm around me.

"So you've finally showed your face. I missed ya!" he said and I laughed.

"We just met two days ago," I said meekly.

"But you're my best bud! Why you gotta be that way?" he pouted playfully. I rolled my eyes and Ryder pushed Ben's arm off me.

"She's my best bud. I already called her," he told Ben and put his arm around my waist. My face went red and I rolled my eyes yet again. I crossed my arms and looked up at him defiantly.

"Sorry boys, I already have a best bud. Her name is Rain. Sucks for you," I said and remembered that I had her number. I texted a quick hey to her while the thought was in my mind. Ryder and Ben kept arguing about something else. John and Joey joined us a bit later and we walked to the cafeteria. I sat at the table I had "stolen" from Ryder. They sat with me and we joked around. Ben kept flirting and Ryder would punch his arm playfully. Joey kept mocking Ryder and then they would "fight". John stayed quiet and laughed along with me. The three of them got in a small name calling fight and I ignored them and turned to John.

"Do they always do this?" I asked. He laughed and nodded.

"Yes, but I love them. They are my family. My gang. I don't have anyone else," he spoke quietly.

"No one?" I asked cautiously.

"No," he shook his head sadly and continued, "I live with Joey. I got kicked out of my house because I joined them. My mom's a drug addict and she was never there for us anyway. Dad's in jail. I couldn't care less. I can do whatever I want now." I could tell he was trying to brush it off, but I could hear the pain subtly in his voice. I decided not to pry and just nodded then went back to listening to Ryder and Ben's pointless fight about something irrelevant. I listened for a moment longer before Ryder glared at me. Why is he glaring at me? What did I do?, I thought. It took me a moment to realize he was glaring behind me. I turned and saw my brother and his friends walking towards us. Jace had a black eye and Lance had a bruise covering almost his whole fore arm. Ryder sure had gotten them good. Tom walked over to me leaving his glaring friends. The guys all stood up when they noticed him.

"What do you want?" Joey snapped at him. Tom held his hands up in defense. He never took his eyes off me. He had bags underneath them and looked like he had just got punch in the gut.

"Please, I just need to talk to my sister," he pleaded.

"We don't know your damn sister. Get the hell away!" Ben said.

"I'm his sister," i said and all of the guys except Ryder, who was scowling, looked at me surprised. I shook my head, indicating I would explain later. I got up and walked to the corner of the cafeteria with my brother following me. Whenever is stopped, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Kate. I told Mom to fuck off and go to Paris or wherever. Come back home, please," i could hear the pain in his voice, but i just shook my head sadly. I pulled away from his hug and looked him in the eyes. I would miss him a lot, but id still see him at school. I can't live in that house anymore.

"Bye, Tom, i'll see you around school. Love you," I said quietly then walked off to get my stuff as the bell rang. Ryder walked me to first period in silence. I looked up at his face and his eyes were stormy and enraged. I touched his shoulder lightly and he turned to me. I smiled not saying a word and his eyes softened.

"I'm sorry. I just wish he wasn't your brother," he said as we stopped at my class. I thanked him for walking me and went into the class quickly. People were staring and whispering around me, pointing fingers at me. I glared at them and got out all my art supplies. A girl walked into class, obviously she was new, and all eyes went to her. She was tall and mostly thin with killer curves. She had firetruck red hair and brown eyes. She looked bad ass with a leather jacket, black skinny jeans and a tank top with a lace skull for a pocket. She had headphones on with her music blaring and i recognized a familiar song by Panic! at the Disco, lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off. I loved Panic! at the Disco for many reasons, but the biggest might be the really long song titles. The girl sat next to me and smiled. She took off her glasses and I noticed her simple make up that looked stunning on her. She had black winged eye liner and bright red lipstick that matched her hair. I smiled back and held out my hand.

"Hi, I'm Kate," I said. She took my hand and shook it.

"I'm Ashley, but you can call me Ash," she said.

"I love your taste in music by the way. Panic! at the Disco is one of my favorite bands," I said. Her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly.

"Me too!" she said. We talked a bit more about our favorite bands before the bell rung. The teacher walked in and gave us our assignment for today. After she dismissed us to do our work, me and Ash talked more. We laughed a lot and I told her about Rain, I knew Rain would love her. She was outspoken and feisty. A perfect contrast to my violent and quiet nature and Rain's sweet and loud nature. When the bell rang again indicating that class was over I checked Ash's schedule. She had the same 7th period as me and lunch was also the same.

I went through the rest of my classes, anxiously waiting for lunch. When it's finally came time for lunch I ran to the cafeteria and sat my stuff down at the usual table. I moved Ben's stuff to make room for Ash. When I saw her looking around the lunch room I yelled, "Ash over here!" She smiled and yelled back, "Hey Kate!!!" She proudly walked to the table, ignoring the stares from people around us. She sat down where Ben was going to sit and Grabbed her lunch. Ben grumbled about his stuff being moved and John and Joey stayed quiet. Ryder sat next to me with an amused expression and put his arm on the back of my chair. I reached into my bag for my lunch.

Oh no! Could this be possible?! I FORGOT MY LUNCH!!

Hey everyone sorry for the short chapter. Very very busy with school and family! Picture of Ashley attached.
Thank you my darling kitkats! I love you all!

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