Chapter 10

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Includes usage of an illegal drug


Peter had no idea how long he had been facing the corner for, he had started counting. But after getting up to two minutes, he lost count. Too busy squirming in place and tugging at his crotch.

The burning sensation of old, cold urine stung him like bees. Only to be warmed up when he had involuntary wet himself.

His belly in knots and full of unwanted stress. It causing unnecessary reactions from him.

He learnt his lesson as soon as his bum bet the stool, but Mason liked to torture him. Peter had begun to cry quietly. Fat, unwanted tears falling down the slopes of his cheeks. Nose becoming runny and snotty. The snot built up. Lining his bottom lip, being smeared across his face, when he used his arm sleeve to wipe at the horrible gunk.

"We have tissues for that, disgusting." Mason clucked his tongue. Standing behind Peter. Eyes stone-cold, intimidation radiating from the man.

"Go get yourself cleaned up. You'll be late if you don't hurry," Mason once again pulls him up and all but throws Peter into the bathroom.

The small boy managed a quick look at the time, before being shoved into the small room. Calculating the time, figuring that he can't take a shower if you want to be in time for the next bus to school.

Instead, he opts for a quick wipe down. The feel of the soft material lining the inside of the pull-up on his sensitive parts brings new tears to his eyes.

Always a quick thinker, Peter throws on one of the few boxers Mason didn't "accidentally ruin in the wash" and putting his jeans back on. Much to his embarrassment, he's also one step ahead. Making sure to set a timer on his watch so that he's reminded to go to the bathroom.

He doesn't need everyone knowing his classification, and the few people who do will question why he's not padded. Forgetting for now, that with Flash knowing his class. The whole school could know by now.

Picking up his school backpack, that he ungracefully threw on the floor earlier. Peter strode passed Mason, and out of the door. To what will - probably - be the worse day of school in his life.

Yet again, that's most days.

Luckily enough, Peter made it with minutes to spare. Ned waiting at the lockers, an exasperated look on his face. "Dude, where have you been"! His voice wasn't so hushed, and so it attracted a few stares from other students. Who is also talking at their lockers?

Peter didn't want to tell Ned the real reason why, even though he is his best friend. Not wanting to be seen differently, or treated any other way than the nerd he is.

Eyes casting around quickly, Peter tried to think of an excuse. "I err - couldn't find my other shoe." Peter rushed out, eyes wide and his rib cage holding in a breath.

Ned raised an eyebrow but didn't question it.

"Alright dude, well it seemed like you found it. And err- you got them on the wrong feet," the black-haired boy stated. Smirking in amusement.

Peter could only look down to confirm, that yes. He had put his shoes on the wrong feet. The answer to why his feet hurt is now answered.

He blushed, shrugging and leaned against the locker. Trying to play it cool.

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