Chapter 16

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"Get out of my sight this instant, before I give you a sore ass. So much so, you won't be able to sit down for a week!" Mason spat. Eyes narrowed and dark, arm extending out to point to the door. "I don't want you back until this attitude of yours is gone."

Peter didn't say a word. He, bravely and stupidly, flipped the man off. Before pulling the flat door open, and dispersing down the stairs that would lead him out of the apartment building.

This attitude he's adopted since coming back from his trip with Tony a fair few weeks ago is getting on Mason's nerves.

He wouldn't blame the man in person, but it's his mentor's fault.

If he hadn't taken away his supplement pills, he wouldn't be like this. Though he wouldn't be like this if he hadn't started to take them in the first place, however, Peter didn't want to dwell on that fact. As to him, he needed them.

His little side isn't, or rather wasn't, ready to be made announced to his mentor. Not that matter's now, like. But there were other ways for Tony to of found out. Like the classification confirmation, it would have been on the database when he was tested. Yet the man didn't think twice about checking, he just carried on like it was nothing. And of course, leaving Peter to think his mentor didn't want to have a little around.

As much as he disliked his mentor right now, for the action he made about his illegal intake of drugs and taking them away. The young boy couldn't help but feel conflicted.

Tony had made Peter feel like he had to hide his classification from him, giving off the impression the man didn't want to have one as his intern by not taking an interest in Peter's interest. Or talking to him about his classification, and bringing it up.

He ignored it.

Regardless of what the man had unintentionally done. Peter forgave him.


Because of how the man treated him a few weeks ago when he had that silly panic attack. Tony held him close, rocked him and whispered sweet nothings into his ears until he was breathing normally again.

He didn't push the man away, and instead, let it happen. It felt natural.

Almost like they were made for each other.

But Peter dismissed that thought. Because why would his mentor want a little like him, with the amount of baggage he has on him as his intern?

Mason didn't want him, and he knew Aunt May wouldn't want to be burdened.

Once he finds his ideal caregiver. He knows Aunt May will be over-joyed into having him gone. And even if Aunt May wanted to take care of him, for one she didn't make any effort in welcoming his little side. And for two, she loves Mason too much.

Peter could never stop his Aunts happiness if he were to spill everything to her, so that's why he has to solider on. And if he has to do this alone, then so be it.

People have made it quite obvious he isn't meant to have a happy ending. And no matter how many times Tony will, from now on, tell him he is wanted and that he doesn't care what he is. He will still have those doubts, because without the supplements. He's just going to be an annoying, attention-seeking brat.

His attention, however, was stolen by a figure sitting on the swing beside him. Having Peter be brought out of his thoughts. Looking up, he didn't at all expect who his eyes laid upon.

"F-Flash?" The boy questioned, stuttering.

With a cocky smile, Flash rolled his eyes. "Parker." The other teen acquainted. "Listen, I want to make this quick." The young male quickly added before Peter could have a chance to speak up. "I've seen that you're acting a little on edge at school, probably withdrawal symptoms from the drugs I gave you," Flash mumbled under his breath, not at all surprised at the gasp the boy next to him let out.

"Y-your the one who set the bag of pills in my locker?" Peter asked in disbelief. Not believing what he was hearing right now.

Sighing, Flash nodded. "Yeah, it was me." The boy looked up directly staring into Peter's eyes, hand going to the pocket of his jacket. Pulling out a bottle with a cap lid. "Here, these are for you. But don't be expecting any more from me. I'm not saving your sorry ass again, it's embarrassing seeing you act so reckless."

Peter took the bottle into his hand hesitantly, his handshaking. "But why? Why are you helping me?" The boy asked, confused.

"Because -" Flash started, standing up from the swing he had placed himself in. Setting his hands into his hoodie pockets. "I know what it's like to have to hide the fact your a little." Flash spurted out, for a split-second seeming to be a little soft. Though he was immediately back on the defensive. "But don't be thinking I'm now going to be nice to a nobody like you. This will be confidential between us. Say a single word to anyone, and you're dead." Flask scowled, walking away. However, stopping short to glance back at Peter. "I'll have my boys back off you for a few days. This doesn't mean anything, so wipe that stupid look off your face. See you back at school, Parker." And with a huff, Flash was striding away. Leaving Peter to look at the pill bottle in his hand in confusion.

Why would his long term school enemy, want anything to do with him? Better yet help him.

Looking at the bottle in his hand, Peter couldn't help but feel scared and unsure as to what he was feeling at this moment in time.

He should be grateful, and yet here he is thinking how he will make Tony disappointed in him all over again. As just when Tony thinks he's put a stop to the situation, Flash appears out of nowhere and makes the situation worse.

Because now, Peter is conflicted on what to do.

Does he take these supplements and fix his craving for them? Or does he spill to Tony on who is handing out these illegal drugs, and tell him how he's struggling and life at home is miserable and breaks down in floods of tears.

The truth simply put, is Peter is struggling.

He has Mason constantly on his back, mocking him and abusing him when Aunt May isn't around.

His Aunt, his wonderful amazing Aunt. She's oblivious to all of this, and Peter is frightened Tony will spill the tea to his Aunt and she'll kick him out.

School. Flash is constantly on his back, his gang right behind him. Watching his every move, pouncing on him as soon as he shows weakness.

And then there's Tony. The man who he has looked up to for years, and who now knows his secret. Is becoming closer to figuring everything out, as a few weeks ago. Peter did nothing but sob out everything to the man until he fell asleep.

His mentor knew everything, from Mason abusing him, to being bullied at school for no reason other than just being himself.

It's scary and stressful, and to make it worse. Tony wasn't doing anything about it. No calls, visits or spilling the truth to his Aunt and Mason. Which, yes he should be thankful about his mentor keeping his personal home life to himself. But then again, it's making him angsty because he didn't know what's going on in Tony's mind.

To not be in touch with his mentor for weeks, is more than driving him crazy. It's driving him insane. And that's why he has to fix it himself.

He'll run away.

It is the only logical choice he had.

All he seems to be doing is causing people trouble.

Tony has given up on him, Mason hates him. And Aunt May doesn't need his classified burdened ass on top of working two jobs, balancing a love life. And making sure they had plenty to eat, and heating in the radiators.

It would be better to run away, as then no one will have to worry about him. And he wouldn't have to feel like he's in the way.

He gave fate plenty of chances to right itself, direct him on a different path. And yet all it lead to was this.

Those who drove him to this point in his life should be relieved. Because now, they don't have to worry about him, a mentally, physically and emotionally abused broken teenager.

Or so Peter thought. However, he will quickly come to his realisation he was wrong to assume such.

Just too bad he had to find out in the most unfortunate, and deadly way possible.

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