Chaoter 20

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Rose and Harrison Thompson. As far as they were aware, weren't expecting any visitors. So when a sudden knock sounded, followed by the ringing of their doorbell. Automatically let the couple sense its urgency to be answered.

However, they were not in the slightest, expecting the care facility for littles to be on their doorstep.

Badges are then shown and their reason for being here stated. Harrison, who had answered the door, lead the male and female inside. Shutting the door and guiding them to the lounge. Confused as to why the care facility for little is in his house.

Last time Harrison checked. No little lived under his roof.

The gruff man is very aware of his son's natural classification. However, he denied it. And so took matters into his own hands, dealing with the situation how he saw fit. He is a respectable man. He shall not be made a mockery of having a little for a son. And he made sure to let Eugene understand that.

"You stated you came here about my son." Harrison started, folding his arms over his chest as he sat in his usual chair. "Can you explain to us what he's done, for us to understand furthermore why you're here, and if it's worth all of this hassle."

"Believe us, sir. This is worth the 'hassle'." The woman air quoted with a no-nonsense tone of voice. She is already not liking how the man felt about his son's health. Calling his son a nuisance.

To which littles are nothing but a nuisance in Harrison's opinion.

"Really? Then please, enlighten us as to why it will be worth our time." Harrison stated, in a tone that could only be described as emotionless.

Rose ignored how her husband spoke, and gave an apologetic look to their authorised visitors. The woman knew about her husband not wanting to accept that their son is a little, so understood why her husband's nature comes across as cold-shouldered. Thinking that with time, he will welcome the idea.

However, Rose, like Aunt May. Was blind to the fact it was more than being cold-shouldered. It was abuse.

"Well," the male cleared his throat. "Are you aware of Eugene, or Flash as he seems to go by, is selling highly illegal drugs to another classmate? Who so happens to be a little?" The man raised an eyebrow, looking between the couple for any sign of resentment, or even worry.

There was a not so miss-able sign of concern on the boy's mothers face, but as for the boy's father. There was more than just anger showing in the depths of his eyes. There was a slither of satisfaction too.

And why was that?

Because he is the dealer. He is the reason Flash had a hold of such drugs in the first place. And what caused additional satisfaction. Was the fact he won't be handed in.

He had Flash swear to secrecy. Stating that if his name got mentioned, then there was going to be hell to pay. Declaring how he is trying to help him out, as coincidently enough. Not only did he not want a little son, but Flash also didn't want to be a little in the first place.

Revealing how he had a reputation at school, and that he couldn't have it ruined over the stupid classification. And so it had given him more of a reason to import the drugs from overseas. Not to just benefit himself, but his son too.

It would make everything better.

Harrison scoffed. "I think you're wrong to assume my son is doing such illegal activities. Who's set this up? They should have proof if they're going to accuse my son like this."

"We're not at liberty to say who, as that's confidential. However, we have proof." The officer replied, his tone firm. "The victim of these drugs effects has had a high overdose intake. They're in the hospital, having just had their stomach pumped. He's lucky to have survived such a strong intake. With the situation they're facing, I don't think they would lie about their dealer. And with the story they've given us, it's believable that your son has been dealing illegal drugs." The man rambled, leaving no room for interruptions.

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