2 - The battle/Date night

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(I will take a few days to post more of the story because I'm going camping and there ain't no wifi so sorry for not posting for a while)

After the 10 minutes we got to regain our energy, me and Kapi agreed on Beathoven. We played and played, hitting note after note, legs getting even more achey as we played. After 2 minutes of stomping on tiles, I blacked out. When I woke up, I wasn't in my house, and I wasn't in f/n's house, 'I must be at Kapi's house' I thought as i looked down and saw he was sitting by my feet, and f/n was in an armchair just in my line of view "So, who won?" I asked, trying your best to look at f/n. "Surprisingly, you won by 20 points." He said sarcastically.

"Ok, Mr. Oh-im-the-funniest-ever." I replied, also sarcastically. "what happened after I blacked out?" You asked. "Well, Kapi over here decided to be Mr. Hero man, and swooped under your arms and lifted you up. Carried you back here 'bridal style' if I'm correct." I snapped my gaze over to Kapi, who was blushing. I tried to stand, but my legs were still screwed up from playing ddr, so I fell right back onto the couch. "Wanna watch a movie?" Kapi chimed in. "Yeah!" Me and f/n said in unison.

Kapi put on f/m, and i slowly drifted to sleep, laying your head on Kapi's shoulder, he went red as a tomato. F/n started snickering, eventually, Kapi drifted to sleep, resting his head on your's. Of course, f/n took a picture and sent it to my phone, loser. When i woke up, Kapi was still sleeping, so i slowly moved my head over and placed his head on my shoulder gently. He shuffled around a little bit, making his head slowly fall into my lap. I blushed and lighy pat his head, trying not to wake him up. He woke up, noticed the position he was in and how I was patting his head and he quickly got up, lightly blushing. I smiled, knowing he realized what happened. "Breakfast is ready!" F/n yelled from the kitchen "coming! I said, grabbing Kapi's wrist and attempting to drag him, i gave up on dragging him and carried him like a baby to the table he was still tired as hell, and he was a lot heavier than i thought. "Hey, my leg strength is back!" I said, louder than your normal tone, but without yelling. "So, Kapi." "Hmm?" "When do you wanna go on that date?"

Kapi pov: 'Crap, I forgot about the fact that y/n won the battle and we are going to go on a date' "Uhmmm... Whenever you feel is a good time." I responded embarrassed that I forgot.

Y/n pov: 'He must've forgot' "How does 12:30 sound?" "Sounds good." Kapi replies, emotionless.

*time skip to the date bc idk what to write*

Kapi and I go to an expensive restaurant, and decide to split the bill. I order a f/f and Kapi orders a T-bone steak. 'Surprising, since he's a cat' I thought. The total of the order was $62.84, I gave Kapi half of that, we paid, and went back to Kapi's house. "Why don't we have a sleepover here with you Kapi?" F/n chimed in. "Fine with me!" He replies "but you two sleep on the couch, no blanket or nothin." He gave us a blank stare that we both returned, knowing he was being sarcastic. "I'm kiddin! You can both come up and sleep in my room, just don't break anything. Theres plenty enough room for all of us on the bed." When we all went to bed, I was in the middle, F/n behind me, arms wrapped around my waist which felt kinda weird, Kapi facing me, with my head pushed against his chest, we all fell asleep, when i woke up, i was facing f/n "Mornin." He said, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead. (IN A FAMILY TYPE WAY, THEY ARE NOT LOVERS. otherwise, I wouldn't be making this) "good morning" I whispered. He picked me up bridal style and gently set me down on my feet.

*I'm gonna leave this here bc my brain is practically shitting on itself (740 words wow)*

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