17 - Making him proud.

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(before you start reading just know this chapter may be either romantic or sad asf so yeah😕(also the reason i haven't been so much on posting chapters is because i keep getting motivation and then getting hit like a fucking truck with writers block so yeah mb for not posting so much))

Subby's pov: "I- I love you too Sub." Kapi finally spoke after 20 minutes of silence. "Are you sure?" I said with hesitance.

Kapi's pov: "It's what he wanted." Subby looked at me confused. "He said that? When?" He was quick to question what I said. "Okay, listen. I might sound crazy saying this." I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself from crying. "So what happened was this. I came up here and i started praying to Aniko. Then I passed out, and woke up in what I'm pretty sure was heaven. And well I saw Aniko, went up and hugged him, then we talked about the situation. We both said a few last words to each other and I woke up." He looked at me like i was insane. I expected that. "Are you sure that actually happened Kap? It kinda sounds like you're making it up." I looked at him with teary eyes, ready to cry again. "I know what I saw Sub." I stood up and went back down to the kitchen. Subby followed, stopped me, and gave me a hug. "I trust your words." That was it, I started crying again. After about 12 minutes of crying on the couch, Sub came over and started to comfort me. "Thank you Sub, it means a lot." He just nodded and continued. after another 15 minutes I finally stopped crying. "Why don't we go get something to eat." He said. I nodded and go up. "I've gotta take a shower first" I said as I went to my room to get some clothes.

~~time skip because no shower scene or none~~

I guess Subby heard me turn off the water or something because when I got out of the bathroom he was pacing around with the keys to my car. I whistled to get his attention, he looked up and tossed me my keys. I went outside first because neither of us knew if there was still people after Sub. I saw that the coast was clear and had him rush to my car. I asked him if he had any ideas of where to go to eat. "Why don't we go somewhere a little cheaper, like some fast food?" I shook my head. "I wanted to go somewhere expensive because you deserve high quality after everything that's happened in the past couple years Sub." he nodded and we ended up going somewhere fancy about 5 miles from where we were staying. It was good quality food, but of course, the price tag was really high, but I've known Subby for years and he's my best friend's husband. I might as well do something nice for him after everything he's been through. After about 15 minutes the waiter came over. "Would you like the check?" I nodded as she placed it on the table. I slightly cringed at the price, $276.71. Subby saw the price and reached for his pocket, I stopped him. "Don't worry about the price, it's on me Sub." He just nodded. We left shortly after, I wanted to go to the safe house but I have a suspicion that there's gonna be people there for Sub, I don't want to risk that. We just went back to my house for a while. "I've always had a question for you since everything happened," I looked up from my phone. "How did you afford so much stuff?" I looked a little confused but answered. "Sub, I've owned the old Arcade for the past like 2 years." He looked shocked for a second. "Oh my god I'm so stupid." He let out a bit of a laugh. After a while we went to Subby and Aniko's house. "God, it feels like it's been forever since we've been here." I nodded. I instantly went to the backyard and let myself fall face first. I got up what felt like an hour later and I had blood all over my nose. I shook my head and walked inside, where Subby was in the kitchen cleaning a buildup of dishes left from that day.

(i know it's like 3 years in the future from that chapter but i decided that because of how depressed Subby was after what happened)

I looked at him for a second. "You need help with that, bud?" He didn't respond. I went up to him and gave him a hug. "Hey, it's gonna be okay Sub." He started to cry.

(another cliffhanger bro ima kms😭😭 808 :mafia: words)

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