3 - Randomly Suicidal

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(edit: i fucking hate myself for making this chapter and it makes me wanna off myself even more i didn't even put a trigger warning or anything and it makes me cringe so fucking hard holy shit i wanna delete this chapter but it's so long that i just can't and 90% of it isn't even about suicidal shit i just can't think of a better fucking chapter name so i'm sorry and i'm trying to make this extra long so anyone who gets easily triggered realizes that the start is hella bad anyways enjoy if you like shit like this if not scroll until you see the first "Kapi pov:" thank you.)(and another thing i hate about this is that i've never sh so i don't have experience to write on this kind of topic.)

The next morning, I felt stupidly suicidal. I flipped open my knife and make a little slit on the palm of my hand, slowly making making it bigger. Blood started trickling down my hand, onto my clothes. Just then, Kapi walked in to the room, saw my hand, and dropped what he was doing to fix it. "why'd you do that!?" He asked, surprisingly calm. "I-I... don't... don't know" I said, sliding out of the self harming state, shocked at what I did. I started crying. "It's ok, you'll be ok." Kapi said giving me a warming hug. He ran his hand through my hair, making me blush lightly. "Thank you Kapi, for being here for me and all." "No prob!" He replied, happy for being there for me, but sad to see me like this.

Kapi pov: I hate to see y/n this way, but I'd help any friend, no matter how severe the damage. Y/n stood up, looking down slightly at me, then gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. No, don't blush, please. Dang, I blushed.

Y/n pov: I like him, but how am I gonna tell him, we almost just met... 'just ball up and do it you pussy' fine. But I'm waiting till tomorrow. I told myself.

*time skip tomorrow bc idk what to write again*😫

After a few weeks knowing Kapi I finally got the nerve to tell him my feelings "yo Kapi?" "Yeah, wassup y/n?" "I just wanted to tell you that... that I caught feelings for you." I say, hoping he won't be weirded out or something. "Y'know, I've been feeling the exact same way for the past few weeks, I just never had the guts to tell you!" He said blushing a deep red. "I understand." I said hugging Kapi. We went to the arcade, messing around for hours. "I'm starting to get bored, should we head home?" Kapi asked, slurring his words. "Sure Kapi, you seem tired anyway." I picked him up bridal style, carrying him to his car. I got into the driver side and set him down on the passenger seat, he woke up, shaking from the temp. of the seat and crawled into my lap which was nice and warm. A little bit into the drive, you heard sirens, you pulled over hoping you'd see the car pass you, but they stopped behind you. "May I see your license and registration?" The officer asked. "One second please, Kapi wake up!" I said quietly. "Hmm?" He groaned. "Where's the registration?" You asked urgently. "In the door." He mumbled. "Ok here, and here is my license." I gave the officer the stuff. "Do you know how fast you were going ma'am?" He asked. "I thought I was going about 50." "Well, you were going 65. I'll let you off with a ticket, but watch your speedometer." The officer said leaving. I was sweating bullets. Kapi woke up as we turned into the driveway like a little kid would on a long trip. We both got out and head inside. We plopped onto the bed and he curled up as i pulled the blanket onto us both, Kapi already fast asleep. I wrapped an arm around him and fell asleep in minutes. I was the first up this morning, so i made breakfast. I wasn't the best cook, but had experience. Cooking some bacon and eggs woke Kapi as he came down the stairs, sniffing the air. He opened his eyes and saw me. "How would you like your eggs?" I asked Kapi. "Scrambled please!" He said politely.

Kapi pov: "damn those eggs smell good-" I smacked my hand over my mouth. I cursed... I started to tear up, but y/n came over to comfort me after turning off the burners "it's ok, it's not like your going to hell for saying one curse! Heck, I've said over one thousand in my lifetime!" She said, I looked up at her, scared for my life as if the devil herself would grab me by the shoe and pull me down. "I won't let anyone or anything hurt you Kapi" she said sincerely.

Y/n pov: Kapi looked as of he was having a panic attack, so i picked him up, carrying him to the room as i feel his chest compressing and decompressing on mine , i gave him a kiss on the cheek and felt his breathing slow down.
He eventually falls asleep in my arms.

*time skip bc Kapi battle Bf time*

Kapi pov: shoot, I forgot I have to battle that bf guy today! "I'm going to the arcade, Wanna come?" I asked across the house. "Yes! Coming!" Y/n yells in response.

Y/n pov: 'I should shoot f/n a text.' I thought

Y/n: wake up, you ass.

F/n: Shut up I've probably been awake longer than you🙄

Y/n: whatever, come to the arcade🙃

F/n: Ok, I got nothin else to do anyway

F/n: see ya there

Y/n: Alright

Kapi and I drove to the arcade and met f/n there, we talked for a bit until I heard someone making a bunch of beeps and bops. "That must be him." Kapi said whole heartedly. "You must be Kapi." Bf said, walking up holding his hand out for Kapi to shake. They shook hands and Kapi pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it onto the floor, turning it to a ddr pad. Bf did the same thing, but the thing turned into a SPEAKER! The girl that came with bf jumped up on the speaker and started the song. After that, there was 3 more songs. Kapi won, of course.

*I'm ending that here* (1119 words after edit x2 (when they got pulled over and when i made the starting tw/vent))

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