19. Ending.

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(Before i do this I just wanna say thank you everyone for the support on my book everyone who has even read the first chapter thank you so much it means loads to me and i love you all <3)(also there's death so be aware of that.)

We woke up the next morning, confident we got rid of anyone trying to kill Sub. So we did some stuff inside and went to drive around. We decided on stopping at the local McDonald's and got some food, after that, we went back to the old arcade so I could reopen it. I went through every social media platform I could to inform people the arcade has been reopened.

About an hour later we went back home and spent some time in the living room and kitchen. Then we heard knocking on the door. "I'll get it." Subby said as he got up from the couch. He opened the door and I heard a gunshot, so I dropped everything and grabbed my handgun off my side. I turned around and saw the worst possible outcome. Subby on the floor, hand on his chest. I quickly aimed up and shot both of the people there. Surprisingly I got them both in the head. I made it to the door as fast as I could, shut it, and looked down to Subby. "Subby! Stay with me. I'm calling an ambulance right now." I said in a panic. I looked for the wound and saw it right in the middle of his chest. I got up and told the operator what happened, the ambulance was on the way. I picked up Subby and brought him to the couch. "Listen Sub, everything's gonna be okay. We'll get you patched up and you're going to the hospital. Just stay with me." I said. "I- don't think- I'm gonna make it." Subby said weakly. "Don't say that! You got this Sub, I believe in you." I was really worried. What if he does die? What if they come for me next? I had so many questions and no answers.

After 3 minutes the ambulance arrived, they got him into the back, and he was gone. I was so worried. So much shit was going through my head at once, so I turned on my music and turned off my brain.

Around an hour went by of me listening to music and I decided to call Jay. "Hey! What's up Kapi?" "Can we meet up, I wanna talk to you. Also could you try to bring some weed?" "Yea for sure, meet me at the McDonald's and we'll go somewhere from there to smoke." "Okay, thanks." I hung up and went to grab my keys. I really needed a break from all this.

"Hey! It's been a while since we talked, how are things going?" I heard Jacen say from a few parking spots down. "Not going the best, I'll tell you the rest when we get to the spot." He just nodded and started driving. When we got to the spot, he handed me the cart he had. "Need a light? Nah I'm just kidding bud go ahead. So what's up?" He joked with me a bit, considering we've been best friends for like 7 or 8 years now. "So you know how my friends Subby and Aniko were together right?" He nodded. "Well since we talked last, I know it's been a while, they ended up getting married and on the same day Aniko was shot and killed..." His look turned sad and he gave me a hug. I started to feel tears forming. "And there's been people trying to kill Subby too, and they caught us off guard today..." I struggled to get every word out. It hurts so bad. "No..." He said after a minute of silence. "He's not confirmed dead as far as I know, but they got him right in the middle of his chest." I was crying now. "Listen Kap, shit happens. I know that's not really the best way to go by this situation but it's the hard truth. People die. I understand that it's sad that a lot of peoples lives are cut short but it's bound to happen." Jacen sounded like he was going to cry, but I looked up and he just had a down look on his face. I just hugged him. "What if I'm next? I don't want that to happen." I said, still crying. "If you're killed I won't stop at anything to get them back for you. I love you Kap. Losing you would be heartbreaking and I hope it doesn't happen. Here, why don't you take another hit?" He held the cart out and I grabbed it. I hit it and was trying to stop crying. "Why do you have a cart now instead of blunts?" I asked. "Don't need to buy as much, gets you higher, it's honestly just better in my opinion." He responded. I just nodded. "Well I should probably go try to see Sub. Thank you for letting me talk to you about all this." I said. "It's no problem Kap, you've been my best and only good friend for 8 years now. It's the least I can do." I gave him another hug and he drove me back to McDonald's. "Again, thank you for everything Jay." He nodded. "It's what I'm here for." I smiled and waved goodbye.

I made it to the hospital to see if i could see Sub. "Hi, is Subby Kurimano available for visitors?" I asked to the nice lady at the front desk, she was a kindly fox. "Let me check sir, may I get your name please?" She said. "Kapi [redacted]" I replied. "Okay, aaand right this way sir." She led me to the room and before letting me in she knocked. "Mr. Kurimano, you have a visitor, would you like to see them?" She nodded and allowed me in. "Kapi!" I walked over and gave him a hug. "Are you doing alright?" I asked. "I'm not entirely sure, they said that the bullet hit my heart so I probably won't make it.." His look turned sad. Someone opened the door just before I was going to say something. "Mr. Kurimano, we have some bad news. You're not in stable enough condition, we're going to have to put you on life support or just let you naturally pass. It's your decision." The doctor said. My heart dropped. Sub looked at me and I looked at him. He took a deep breath and finally spoke. "I'll do the second option..." He said, hesitantly. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Is this actually happening? At least he'll be able to reunite with the love of his life once again. "Of course. You have a few minutes to say your goodbyes." The doctor left. "Kap, come here please." He said. I got up and sat on the bed. There was a minute of silence and then he hugged me. Of course, I hugged him back, and we just sat there. Eventually the doctor came back to the room. "Time is up. Say your last goodbyes." He said. I just kept hugging Sub. "Goodbye Sub. I'll miss you. Say hi to Aniko for me, tell him I love him, I miss him and take care of each other. I love you Sub." I said, now crying. "I love you too Kap, goodbye." I got up and left the room, crying.

I got home and I didn't know what to do, so I just listened to music. All of a sudden I heard a knock on the door once again. "Who is it." I yelled. "Why don't you come see." They said through the door. "Yknow what, I know what you're here for. He's already fucking dead. To add to your stupid ass fucking pleasure why don't you just kill me. You've killed off my only two fucking reasons to live and I don't have shit anymore. Just FUCKING KILL ME." I yelled. They kicked down the door. "Any last words?" They said. "No. Just fucking kill me." I heard the gunshot and everything went black. I woke up in what I thought was heaven. But I don't deserve to go to heaven. I've killed people. I looked around and then i saw Subby and Aniko. I ran over to them and gave them both a hug. "I've missed all of us being together." I said. They both said "Same" and started making gay jokes to each other. I'm so glad we're all back together again.

(And that has been the story of a troubled cat and his friends. They all somehow surprisingly went to heaven for all of them to be reunited and live together forever. The End.)

(I'm finally done with this book after 19 grueling chapters. I'm gonna miss writing in this book. I really am. Anyways I love you all and thank you to everyone who has read this book and I will see you all in the next book i possibly write come summer. Goodbye for now! 1528 words.)

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