14 - Happy Ending?

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(Before I start yall with this continuation of last chapter, I just wanted to thank yall for the support :D)(also sorry it took so long to update I forgot and was busy anyway) (also, if you can't read military time then oh well🤷‍♂️) (also this mf is gonna be a lot over 1,000 words😬😅)

I came home and set my alarm for 8:30. The time being 15:51, I decided to make a trip to McDonald's. I decided to get one of those smoothies instead of actual food because I'm not really that hungry. I ordered the drink and left. '$5 holy crap' I thought to myself. I went home and just as I got out of the car I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I pulled it out and the text was from Aniko.

Aniko: Hey, do you think you could help with a wedding soon?

Kapi: Who's gettin' married?

Aniko: Me and Subby

Kapi: Oh, no shit?

Aniko: Yeah, its gonna be a fun one

Kapi: But yeah, I can come help, when is it?

Aniko: The wedding will be on [no date was given] at 15:00 But if you could show up about a half an hour to an hour early that would work

Kapi: Yeah, I can be there

Aniko: Thanks

I went inside and called to say I'm gonna miss the interview.

~~time skip to the day of the wedding bc I'm lazy and don't wanna write that much edit: im glad i didn't write all that bc it would've been a 10,000+ word chapter😂😭~~

I woke up REALLY early from when I normally wake up, it was 7:30. "Jeez" I muttered. I got up and went straight to my closet. 'I should wear something nice since it's literally a wedding.' I picked out a nice, maybe once worn hoodie and some really nice jeans, but just before I put on the clothes I stopped. "I should take a shower." I said to myself, so I did. (we'll just skip past that bc I don't want to write abt a damn shower) I got out and got dressed. I hadn't had anything to eat up until now so I just had some cereal, it was quick and easy and I could worry about other stuff more than food. I went and ran some errands as the time hit 10:00. The wedding was around 5 hours away at this point, so I had some downtime. I decided I would listen to music for a little while. When I decided I was gonna turn off the music, it was a few minutes past noon. I thought 'Might as well clean up a little bit.' When I finished cleaning I was a little tired, so I went to get something with caffeine in it .(coffee or something else you can pick as reader lol) After that the time was 13:57, so I STILL had some downtime, so I just went back home.

~~time skip bc no brain cells~~

"Hey Aniko! Exciting day, huh?" I said, greeting him. "Yeah, it's a really important day, we got the papers so all you gotta do is read em off, and please for the love of god don't mess anything up." Aniko said. "I promise I won't bro, you can trust me." I replied. "Where's Subby and everyone else?" I asked. "Backyard." He said. "Okay, do you want me to do anything before I go out?" I asked. "Nope! There shouldn't be anything for you to do until the main event." He answered. I nodded and walked into the yard. I instantly looked around for Subby, I saw him and walked over to talk to him.

"Hey, Subby, how's it goin' buddy."

"Heyyy, Kapi, ya finally showed up, huh?

"I was gonna say something but im not gonna be rude to the guy literally getting married."

We laughed a little bit and started a small conversation.

"So, how's finding a job going?"

"Well, I would've had an interview today but I didn't think about how much time I would have, so I spent like 7 hours trying to find stuff to do."

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