12 - break-up/visits

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(Black shoe) (btw why you still reading this getting bland as hell) (go read my bf Furrykidahaha book it good as well) (some of yall about to fuckin despise me for this chapter but some of you will like it)

Kapi's pov: I woke up and just stayed in bed this morning. I really didn't feel like getting up. But y/n decided I have to get up and do something today. I got up and went to the living room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv to the news and this was the headline "home intruder shot dead with firearm linked to intruder, lucky couple survives break in" 'that might've been Aniko and Subby' I texted Aniko, no answer. I texted subby

Kapi: Hey sub, you guys ok?

Subby: well, I'm almost fine, Aniko however, not doing so well, shit's goin all over the news about us gettin beat to shit and killin' that guy

Kapi: so I'm guessing yall are in the hospital right now?

Subby: yeah, only for Aniko though

Kapi: alright, talk to ya later.

I set down my phone and switched the channel. After about an hour I got bored and decided to go on a walk. About a quarter-mile and I saw someone that looked familiar, but I didnt say anything and kept walking. I decided to stop at the gas station and grab something to drink. I grabbed a couple gatorades and left for home.

On the way home I thought I saw whitty but ignored it. When I got home I tossed y/n one of the gatorades and went to the kitchen. Going to the kitchen I saw that y/n had made food. "Hey, what's all this for?" I said from the kitchen. "I made it for you, you don't look too well so I cooked some stuff for ya." Y/n said.

*time skip... oh this is the first one lol*

Kapi's pov: after I ate, I went and sat down on the couch with y/n. "Well, at least we know Aniko and Subby are ok." Y/n said, I nodded. "Subby said Aniko's getting better, but he's still in bad shape." I said. "Oh speaking of which, I think I should go visit." I said. "Oh, so you care about them more than you care about me?" Y/n asked. "No, that's not-" I stopped. "So what you're saying is you don't care about me anymore?" Y/n started to tear up. "That's not what I-" I stopped yet again. "NO, THAT IS WHAT YOU MEANT YOU BITCH!" y/n started to get real mad. "Y/N! THAT'S NOT WHAT I FUCKING MEANT!" I yelled. Y/n went quiet. "i'm leaving." Y/n said. "You know what? I really don't give a shit at this point, y/n. Go live your own life away from me." I said in a calm voice. Y/n then slammed the door and left. I texted Jonah.

Kapi: Hey Jonah, can I come over for a little bit and calm down?

Jonah: sure man, mind if I ask why?

Kapi: I'll just tell you when I get there

I put my phone in my pocket, grabbed the keys, locked the door and got in my car and left. Jonah's house wasn't too far away, about a mile. When I got there I knocked and he let me in. "So how's it goin buddy." He said. "Well Jonah, it's going fucking terrible." I said. I looked over at him and he seemed in shock. "Hello? Earth to Jonah?" I asked jokingly. "Oh, my bad, just never heard you swear." He replied. "Yeah, at this point only when I'm like, really mad. But anyways, y/n just dumped me." I said. "But I thought yall were engaged." He said. "Yeah, were. Y/n dropped the ring before leaving" I said.

Jonah just looked at me. His face said it all. "C'mere." He said reaching out his arms. I teared up and gave him a hug. "It's ok Kapi, let it all out." Jonah said. I was crying into his shoulder. "Come on bud, we'll go sit on the couch." He said. He picked me up while I was still crying and he sat on the couch. He started 'petting' my head, which calmed me down. But I was still crying. "I'll be right back Kap." He said, getting up. He came back with a glass of water that he gave to me. I drank it, which also calmed me down. I had stopped crying by now and my breathing slowed and wasn't so shaky. "You know I still love you, Kap. No matter what happens, I will love you till I die." He said. "I- love you Jonah. You're the best." I said.

I gave him one more hug before I left to go see Aniko and Subby. I got in the car and left. On the way to the hospital, I heard the radio and turned it up "local teen survives lucky crash off his bike with a concussion and a broken hand" "holy crap I hope that kid's ok, sounds like it was bad." I said to myself.

*time skip because long drive*

When I got to the hospital I walked up to the front desk. "Is Aniko Brambilla available?" I asked. "Yes sir, follow me." The lady said. She seems like a nice person. "Mr. Brambilla, you have a visitor, would you like to see them?" She looked in for a second and then opened the door. "KAPI!" Aniko exclaimed. I ran over and hugged him, but quickly let go from his flinch. "Oop- sorry.." I said. "Hey, it's fine, I'm just glad you came to visit!" Aniko gave a little giggle. "I'm just glad to see you alive, I heard the news and got real scared. I wanted to come visit right when I heard about it but... I couldn't." I said getting a little sad yet angry, madsad? Aniko looked at me a little concerned. "Kapi, what's up?" He asked. "I'm fine, Aniko. Trust me." I said putting up a fake smile, that didn't work. He crossed his arms. I looked down anxiously and started to stutter a bit. "Dude, y-you're putting me in the spotlight r-right now." I stuttered. "Tell me what's going on, Kapi." Aniko seemed a little annoyed now. "Uh- fine, so... I kinda got into a little... fight, with y/n... and uhh, things kinda got bad... I swore... she yelled... and she dr-..." I started to tear up. "She... dropped... the... ring..." I said starting to cry but I wiped away the tears. Aniko motioned me onto the hospital bed, so I sat. He then motioned for a hug. I accepted the hug and gripped tightly, I could tell he was doing the same but I loosened my grip so I wouldn't hurt him. We let go after a minute. "No homo." He said. "Really Aniko? Not the time for a joke." I laughed.

*time skip if you wanna read the conversation go read my bfs book lmao*

"Anyway, after we finish unloading all our stuff maybe you could come over for dinner!" Aniko said. "That sounds nice." I replied. "Hey, you think you could do me a favor?" He asked. "Depends on what it is." I said. "Well, I was thinkin, maybe you could help me and Subby un-pack and I could pay ya so you can get back on your feet for a job and such." He said. "Oh, well I could help you guys un-pack, but I just don't feel that good with pulling money from ya, since you got all the hospital bills and such." I said. "Oh, don't worry Kap, my parents covered the bills, I guess they had a sudden change of heart." Aniko laughed. "Well... Ok, I'll think about it, but I'm still helping yall un-pack." I said. "Oh shoot, I gotta go, talk to ya later, Aniko!" I said looking at my phone and leaving. "Hey wait up!" Aniko said. I turned around to look at him. "When I get out of this shit hole, you and I are having a fuckin rematch, got it?" He said. I nodded and waved goodbye, he returned the wave as I closed the door...

Until next time guys... There might not be a chapter over 600 words for a while so my brain can take a fucking break because I wrote... uhhh... 1436 FUCKING WORDS HOLY SHIT! Anyway catch yall on the flip.

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