18. Suspense.

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(I don't know what to write anymore bruh but i CANT STOP LEAVING SHIT ON A CLIFFHANGER BRUH WTF i started working on this december 6th and idk when it'll be posted so idk i might jus make a new book tbh, i really hate myself for making a cliffhanger)


He started to cry. I just let him because I knew he needed to get it out. "just let it all out Sub, i'm here for you." I said. "i just wanna die, i feel worthless without him." He said, through tears. "Sub. don't say that. you are worth so much. he'd want you to stay strong, trust me." I felt tears coming to my eyes. I knew Aniko would never want him to do such a thing. "Subby listen, you are amazing, you are the bravest person i've ever met other than your husband. you two had an absolutely amazing bond and nobody could ever break that. i know he wants you to keep pushing and we all know you can do it. we love you." I said through developing tears eventually leading to me crying as well. But that's just emotions, it happens. "thank you Kapi, i really needed that." He said, still crying. I just nodded, that's what friends are for right? A shoulder to cry on?

Eventually he stopped crying and fell asleep on me. I was pretty tired so I also fell asleep. Come morning, I woke up and felt pretty sore, I don't know why. While i was waking up I looked over and saw that Sub was still sleeping. I got up, and carefully let him down on the couch and positioned a pillow under his head so his neck wouldn't be sore. I was really hungry and I had a feeling he was too, but I decided not to go anywhere. After about an hour, Sub woke up. "ugh, morning" He said, groggily. "tired?" I asked, he nodded. "well uhh, wanna go get something to eat?" I asked hastily. "i'm pretty sure there's food in the fridge, and are you sure it's safe to go out there?" He sounded a little worried. "Sub, i'm pretty sure anything that's in there is spoiled as all hell, it's probably not super safe... but didn't you guys have a gun safe in here somewhere?" I said, Sub's look went dark. "yeah, but it's been a while and i'm not sure i remember where the key is..." He looked sad. "but wait, i think i remember where we kept it." He stood up and waved for me to come with, so I followed. After 5 minutes he found the key and opened the safe. and when I say I was surprised how many guns it held, I mean it. We each grabbed a handgun and went back downstairs. "i think what we have is all we'll need" He said, I nodded and we left the house, of course, Sub locked the doors. Being careful not to run into that mafia gang whatever it was we made it to the gas station in about 15 minutes.

~~1 hour later~~

We made it back safely with still no sign of that stupid mafia, but of course, we kept the guns on us just in case. "this should give us enough energy for anything we need to do for the next few hours." I said, chewing on my food. Subby just nodded in acknowledgment as he kept eating. "i wonder how much of that mafia that there is, there can't be that many people after us." I said. "you'd be surprised Kap, why do they want us dead even anways?" Asked Sub. "because we're the two people that were closest to Aniko, you being his husband and me being a long time close friend." I said, my mood changed, but I can't seem to understand what I'm feeling, it feels almost like anger but also sadness with a mix of 3 different emotions. I want to take them all out right now but I can't. Not around Sub. He's still going through emotions of his own.

About an hour went by and we were both just on our phones just doing our own thing. I wanted to write a book, so I looked for an app I could use. Eventually, I found one. It was called Writepad. What a weird name. "Whatcha doin' Kap?" Sub asked. "I decided I wanna start writing a book about all the stuff that's gone on in my life for people to see, it's on this app called Writepad." I responded. He gave me a kind of weird look so I showed him the app. "That looks cool, I'm gonna download it." He said. I smiled and continued writing. Jeez, I wonder how many chapters there will be, 10? 20? I guess I'll just go along with whatever.

3 hours went by and it was night time, so Sub locked the doors, shut the blinds, and we went up to their bedroom. I never realized how big it was. Me and Subby have known each other since him and Aniko first started talking, so we were comfortable sleeping in the same bed. Sub fell asleep pretty fast, guess he was pretty tired. I just stayed up, thinking, about really off things, like how Y/N is doing, I don't know why. It's been years since that all happened. Eventually I ended up being able to fall asleep.

I woke up the next morning, Sub moved a little, to the point his head was on my chest. I decided I'd wait a little bit before I actually got up. I scratched his head a bit and it seemed like it made him feel better. He woke up a few seconds later and backed off a little bit, looking embarrassed. He scratched his arm, and then behind his ear. "Sorry! I didn't mean to do that.." He quickly said. "It's not a problem Sub, as long as you're comfortable I don't mind if you do something like that."

~~Kapi x Subby core? Also warning there's a shootout in the next "scene"~~

We got up out of bed and did normal morning things, then we made a plan for what to do if we ran into any trouble people. "We should always have a handgun on us at all times incase we have a run in." I said. All of a sudden we heard a knock at the door. I carefully went to the window to check. It was a couple goonies. I tried to make out exactly where they were so we could get rid of them as soon as possible, they knocked again. I pulled out my handgun and readied to fire. As soon as I felt I had a good shot on one's head I pulled the trigger and moved from the door. Besides from the gunshot I heard a body drop to the floor as the other put a huge hole in the door. It was right at my head level, close one. He kicked the door open to try to find us, Subby hid behind the couch and I was still in the open. He saw me and pulled the trigger. The shot hit my arm, through the ringing I heard another gunshot and a body drop. It was pretty loud so I assumed that Sub was doing okay. I looked over and saw no sign of him and a dead body on the floor. "SUB, WHERE ARE YOU!" I called out. I ignored the pain and went to look behind the couch. I saw Sub and my heart skipped a beat. He looked okay but didn't respond. "Sub, are you okay!?" I said, worried. I brought him up to the bedroom and layed him down. I checked for his heartbeat and he was still breathing. Thank God.

An hour went by and he woke up. "What happened?" He muttered. "That doesn't matter right now Sub, all that matters is we're still alive." I said, looking down at my arm, I had patched it up while he was still unconscious. He just nodded and sat up. "What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?" He asked. I just shrugged, I honestly don't know what there is to do other than stay safe. I opened up Writepad and started writing more stuff down. "How's your book coming along?" He asked. "It's doing just fine right now, I've posted 3 chapters and it has 637 reads!" I said. We really just sat around for the rest of the day until we went to bed.

(AAAAND THATS ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE WOOOOOO! I never thought I'd even get this out😭 this might be the end but I'll probably write a little epilogue in about 6 months💀 depends on how much motivation I have and the last of the main characters might die so give me ideas please I'm so drained😭 1500 words.)

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