16 - I never thought this would be.

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(before i start i just wanted to say thank you all for the constant support even after i quit the book for 6 or so months, i love you all <3 btw i've been making most of this at school because i be lackin at home😪)

"Kapi... Wake up Kapi." I jolted awake to the sound of Subby's distressed voice. "Whuh- What happened, what's going on, who do i need to ki-" Subby shushed me, putting his soft finger over my mouth. "I accidentally caused a water leak Kap..." His ears drooped as he said this. I slightly blushed at the nickname, heh, Kap. "O-oh, that's an easy fix, just try to keep it from getting too bad while I'm getting up." Subby nodded and returned to the bathroom. As I struggled to get up, I could hear him stomping around upstairs. I got up and rushed up the stairs. "Alright Sub, what's going on in here?" He looked at me with a guilty and sad look. I looked back with a grin and said "It's not that big of a deal Sub, I'll go grab my tool kit."

~~time skip bc i'm a lil bitch boy and don't wanna write allat😭~~

It's been about an hour since I fixed the sink and I'm starting to hear noises outside. "Sub, go downstairs, lock the door, there's a gun down there if you hear me yelling." He just nodded and went. I went to look through the peep-hole and it was them. I went to the stairs as they knocked on the door. "I'll be one second." I yelled, walking up the stairs to grab my gun. "Hurry up." I heard one of their deep, muffled voices. I cocked the slide back upstairs, so they wouldn't hear it. as i walked down the stairs I yelled. "Coming!" As I aimed the .45 at the first ones head I realized only one seemed armed. I moved my sight over to the one that was readily armed, and I took the shot. I jumped over silently invade the other one shot. Sure enough he unloaded at the door, every shot going right past me. When it seemed like he was reloading, I got ready to take my shot. He as right in my sights, so I fired. I then heard as his now lifeless body slammed to the ground. I kept the door locked as I went to get Sub from downstairs. "Sub? We're safe now." He ran up to me and hugged me which caught me off guard. Through tears he managed, "I thought you were dead because i heard gunshots and no yelling or anything and it was really scary and-" I put my finger up as an incentive to shush up and hugged him.  "The reason I was so quiet is because I didn't want them to know where I was while they were shooting, I got them both down." He looked as if he wanted to kiss me but if he really wanted to I'd let him do it because like he said before he'll never love another for Aniko, but it seems as if he's become... attracted to me?

~~time skippity~~

I ended up cooking up something really nice for Sub while only making myself a ham sandwich. "Why didn't you make yourself something nice Kap?" I was zoned out when he said that but for some reason that nickname always gets my attention. "Huh..?" I said a little flustered. "Why didn't you make yourself something nice? Ya doin okay?" He seemed really worried about me. "No, I'm fine, I just want you to have a lot of energy for today because we might have to do quite a bit of moving." I said. "What about you? Don't you need energy?" He asked, seeming very concerned for me. "Sub, I've run 3 hours off a cup of milk before, I'll be okay, I promise." He shrugged, seeming a little frustrated. I recognized this fast and went over to him. I gave him a little back rub. "Kap, I gotta tell you something while we're still alone." He said a little shy. "What is it?" I asked, very curious. "Well after everything we've been through together, I've started to bond with you really well, and I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go on like a lunch or dinner date, just as friends?" He said very reluctantly. I can't believe it, is he really breaking his promise to Aniko? "I'll be one second,  I have to use the restroom." I said. I lied, I'm really going to the upstairs bedroom where Subby sleeps, and I started to pray up to Aniko. "Aniko, I don't know if you can hear me, but your husband just asked me out on a date if you didn't see or hear that, I just want to know what you think I should say, what do you think is best for your husband Aniko?" I whispered, hoping to get a response. Then, I passed out. I woke up in what looked like a dream but it was all clouds. Then I saw Aniko. I went up and gave him a hug. "It's been a while, huh?" He laughed. I nodded. "Anyway, you told me what's going on yeah, I don't really know how you should go with this, he seems pretty lonely recently and you seem like the right person to be with him, and I've trusted you like since we met kid, so I'd say you go on that date with him and then tonight I'll come talk to you again to see how it went, alright?" I nodded. He gave me one final, long hug. "I love you Kapi, and I love Subby, so do me a solid, Do not, and I mean it, DO NOT play with his heart or do anything that will break his heart Kapi or I swear to our lord and savior I will make your time up here feel like you should be in hell. Anyways, surprising I made it to heaven, right?" A little shook, I nodded with a slight chuckle. He gave me one more hug. "Okay, I'll let you go back, go keep my Hubby happy for me." All of a sudden everything went black, and I woke up in Subby's bed. I shortly after started crying intensely. Sub must've heard it because he came rushing up the stairs. "You okay Kap?" I shook my head. "I miss him, Sub, I really fucking miss him." I said shaking through immense tears. Subby stopped cold. "W-Who?" He said, tears forming in his eyes. "You know who.." I tried to stop my crying as Sub started to cry, he fell to the floor and started banging on it. I quickly got up off the bed and went and hugged him, allowing him to cry into my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay Sub." I said, attempting to reassure him. "I love you Kapi." he said.

(fuckin cliffhanger bitchessssss!!! yeah i'm sorry about the kinda depressing chapter i just really miss Aniko tbh (and i cried making some of this so yeah) but i understand we both have moved on past that time.. but it still kinda hurts because i broke up with him for some girl i just met and ended up not even loving. :/ anyways sorry for jus venting like that i'm sorry. 1245 words, wow.)

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