4 - Kapi's Birthday!

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(Sorry if this posted late, I have other things I needed to do)

Kapi pov: I hope y/n remembers that my birthday is tomorrow. I'll text her

Kapi: hi, where you at?

Y/n: hangin at the arcade with f/n, why

Kapi: Oh, no reason. Just wondering I guess

Y/n: Alright, I'll be home in an hour!

Kapi: ok😊

Y/n pov: "Shit! I just remembered it's his birthday tomorrow!" I said, nervous. "Let's go get him some presents!" F/n said, walking towards the exit. "We'll store them at my place" He said. "Ok, what should we get him?" I asked. "Oh, let's get him a ddr system, we'll both pay half of the price!" F/n said. "Good idea!" I said. We went to the store to find the ddr system. I found it in a pretty big box, but it would fit in the back of f/n's truck. He dropped me off at Kapi's and went to store the box at his house. I walked in "I'm home!" I said, getting ready for bed. "How was it? And why are you already getting ready for bed?" Kapi asked, curious. "Oh I'm just tired, me and f/n have big plans for your birthday!" I said. Kapi looked puzzled. "Oh, so you really need ALL that extra energy for tomorrow?" He asked. "I guess you're right," I said, going back down the stairs. "I'd like some attention every once in a while." Kapi said, looking mad that i don't spend that much time with him. "After tomorrow, I'll spend all day with you if you'd like, since we have big plans for you!" I said, sitting down and turning on the tv. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked Kapi, as he responds with a groggy "yes please." I turn on K/f/m and Kapi lay his head on my shoulder, falling asleep. I soon followed him into slumber. I guess he woke up and carried me to our bed as I was still sleeping, got into bed and fell asleep. Next morning, I woke up first, made breakfast, and left. I texted Kapi I was gonna be out for a couple hours, so he could see it when he woke up. I then texted f/n.

Y/n: meet me at the bake shop and bring the ddr pad

F/n: ok🙂

I met him at the bake shop and we decided on what kind of cake to get Kapi. "What kind of cake should we get?" I ask. What about chocolate?" F/n asked. "Hes allergic, remember?" I said. "Oh sorry, I forgot." F/n said sounding sad. "How about an ice cream cake?" I asked enthusiastically. "Sure!" He replied. We bought the cake and asked for the cake to have "happy birthday Kapi!" Written on it in edible paper "Yeah, but it'll cost you an extra $2.99." The guy said. I handed him the money and he called another worker to write it down. "How is Kapi spelled again miss?" She asked. "K-a-p-i." I said, spelling it out for her. "Aaaand. Done! That'll be $9.99." I handed her 10 dollars and she put it in the register. "Thank you!" I said exiting the building. Me and f/n drove home. Kapi was napping on the couch. "Quick, take the cake, grab some candles, put them in the cake and light them, I'll be out shortly!" I whisper, as to not wake Kapi.

As soon as I see f/n enter the kitchen, out of Kapi's sight, I start lightly petting him awake. "Hmm?" He mumbled. "Good morning, sleepy boy!" I whispered softly. "Mhnn. Morning." He said quietly. "Come on, I'll make you some lunch!" I said walking into the kitchen 'light the last few' I mouthed to f/n, as he lit the last candle. Kapi walked into the kitchen and his eyes widened. "We gotta eat lunch before you eat any of that." I said, noticing kapi staring at the cake. "Fine with me! What kind of cake?" Kapi asked. "Ice cream cake." I said, firing up the stove. "Want a BLT either of you?" I asked, placing the bacon in the pan I used this morning. "I do!" They both said in unison. "Okay!" I made 3 BLT's and we all ate, Kapi eating the fastest, eager to see his present.

When me and f/n finish your food. "We only got one present, but we put a lot of money into it, so we hope you like it! We'll be right back." I said, motioning to f/n to come help me. You walk in backwards, holding one side of the present. Kapi's eyes went wide in awe as we brought the machine all the way in he hugged both of us, crying tears of joy. "Thank you guys, this is all I've ever wanted." He said crying.

*Time skip after it was set up*

He started to play it as soon as we set it up, starting 'nyaw', his favorite song. I turned on the tv, which was playing f/m, I almost fell asleep, then I heard this loud crash. I look over and see Kapi, who slipped, hit the bar, and cracked the back of his head. I picked him up hurriedly and rushed him to the ER. He got stitches and couldn't play ddr until his stitches were removed.

*Each chapter after this one is going to have a word cap of a little over 900 so my brain doesn't self destruct. Also, I won't be posting for a while bc my brain hurts trying to think of new ideas* (954 words, damn)

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