6 - a rough few days

185 5 15

(Thank you for 250+ reads, it means a lot, really) (this chapter is based off something I did in real life a couple weeks ago)

Y/n pov: I sat in my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I almost fell asleep, but f/n texted me.

F/n: you pulling an all nighter?

Y/n: what's it too ya

F/n: you tryna go to the skate park 'round 7

Y/n: Fuck it, I'll go now

Unless you're not going rn

F/n: at 1 am???

Y/n: you coming or not?

F/n: sure

I ride to the skate park, not being able to see. F/n is already there. "So, you learned anything new?" He asked. "Well, I'm trying to learn this weird trick called a 'kickless'." I tried to demonstrate while stationary. "Looks hard." He said. "Trust me, I've been trying for 2 weeks." I replied, going up the ramp to do a trick. I tried to do a 'can-can whip'. (can-can but use your back foot to tailwhip) I had to bail and ended up landing on my helmet, but I was unscathed. "You good?" F/n asked worried. "I'm fine." I said, grabbing my scooter and going to do it again. I almost landed it, but missed the deck. I think I busted my hand a little bit, but I'll power through it. "Shit, that hurts." I said. "What's wrong?" F/n asked. "I busted my hand when I landed." I said. "Ok, you tryna head back?" F/n asked. "Sure, I'm gonna head back to Kapi's." I said. We both went our separate ways. When I made it to Kapi's, he was up watching tv. "Hey, your back. Sit down, I can tell you why I'm up right now." Kapi said.

Kapi pov: "So I knew you left, because I woke up when the door shut, so I came down to check for robbers, and when there was nothing I sat down to wait for you." I said. "Oh, yeah I thought you would've heard that." y/n giggled.

Y/n pov: "Alright, I'm gonna head to bed, I'm gonna meet up with bf and gf later so I don't want to look high." I said. "Ok, I'll be up soon." Kapi said. I headed upstairs and got back into my pajamas and went to bed. When I woke up I was on a bench across the street. When I went inside, the tv and Playstation were gone. But then I got worried about Kapi, so I silently looked around for him. I found him in the bathroom in the tub. He had a bloody nose and a black eye, and whoever did it put a muzzle on him. I took off the muzzle and picked him up. I got a wet cloth and wiped off his face from the blood "You ok?" I asked him. "It still hurts a bit, but I'm fine." He said. I texted gf

Y/n: I'm gonna be late, we got robbed and they fucked up Kapi

Gf: ok, sorry to hear

I set him down in bed "You gotta stay there for at least an hour. After that, you can do whatever, just be careful because you've got a cracked rib." I said "Alright, I guess I can do that." Kapi replied. I met up with bf and gf and we went to a church. "Hes got a rap battle there." Gf said. "That's cool, I've always wanted to come with you guys to a battle.

(I need to keep going please send help)

Y/n pov: bf rap battled a nun, a criminal, and a demon boy, I couldn't stop looking back over at the demon boy. 'Come on snap out of it. He isn't the one' I rubbed my eyes and looked back at bf. He was winning by a long shot. I went back home and when I got back, I went over and sat by Kapi, who was scrolling through tiktok.

(I gotta stop here, might discontinue honestly, 681 words)

Kapi fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora