15 - The Restart

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(GUYS I THINK I FINALLY HAD ENOUGH MOTIVATION TO MAKE A SMALL LITTLE FINAL CHAPTER [by little i mean like 600-700 words] anyways if this gets published I HOPE YOU ENJOY AND SORRY FOR THE WAIT <33)

As the new owner of this old arcade, I decided to make a few improvements, such as renew the machines and other really small things. I really enjoy running this place that i used to spend all my days at for other people to come and enjoy it. I still see Subby come in every once in a while just to talk, but he never stays for long.

~~closing time~~

I got the last few people out of the arcade and locked the doors, as I was walking home, my phone rang. It was Subby, so I picked it up. "heyy, what's up Subby?" I asked. "would you mind coming over to spend time with me for a while?" he said over the phone. "oh yeah for sure, i'll be there in a few minutes." I hung up and continued walking.

~~time skip~~

'Finally made it' I thought. I went up to the door and before i could knock it he opened the door and said "quick! get in here!" i asked what's going on and he had a short explanation. "so those guys who killed aniko, they're coming after people who live in this area, i don't want you gone next Kapi, please be careful-" I stopped him. "i'll be okay Sub, just worry about yourself, i'll go sneak by, grab my car and we'll get you out of this house. we'll come back for some stuff later when it's safe." He nodded and I left to go get my car like I said. I was running the entire way out of the neighborhood in fear of getting shot, but i made it home, grabbed my car, and went to pick up Subby. All the lights in his house were off when he stepped out, so he wouldn't be obvious.

~~time skip again~~

"so is that all you know? that they're trying to kill everyone around there?" "well, i meant anyone who goes around anikos and my house so it was kinda an overstatement" We were talking back and forth about it the entire ride to my house and when we got there we talked about it for another good 20 minutes. "you want something to eat, sub?" I said, bringing out 2 different sandwiches, one his favorite and mine was just a normal ham sandwich. He silently accepted and ate rather quickly. "you liked it, huh?" He nodded with a slight grin on his face. I turned on the tv and after a while I noticed he was getting closer to me, but I let him because I know how much he's been going through trying to get Aniko off his mind. He got close enough to me to the point where he just silently dozed off. I stood up, picked him up, and took him to my bed where i placed him to sleep. I looked at him, gave a small laugh, and walked out. I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

The next morning I woke up and heard Subby in the kitchen cooking something. I sat up and groaned. "good morning kapi!" He yelled. I stood up and started to walk to the kitchen but as soon as I got to the entryway, I heard a laugh and saw a fist come at me, then I woke up again in dark room on a chair. I looked over and saw Subby. 'oh no SHIT how did they find us' I heard a low laugh and then heard Subby, "What do you want from us." The voice laughed again. "I don't want your little friend, i want you.." I then heard a sharp whine from Subby. "DONT DO ANYTHING TO HIM, HES NOT WHO YOU WANT" I yelled, instantly scared for my life. "Then who do we want, the dead hyena? I didn't get enough pleasure seeing him dead, I need someone else dead. someone close to him." The voice sharpened. "THEN KILL ME. IF YOU WANT SOMEONE CLOSE DEAD, KILL ME." I said firmly. "Haha, okay then, if i'll kill you then i want a fight. UNTIE HIM." I felt the rope loosen. I grabbed a string of it and sliced to see how thick it is. 'Thin enough to get Subby out' "Are you ready?" They asked, I nodded. I got in a position ready to jump and cut Subby out if they charge at me. I felt them rumble the ground as they took the first step at me, they were barreling at me like a cheetah. I jumped and sliced Subby out, quickly looking for an exit or window, luckily I saw the door, so I dodged and weaved past them, being quite smaller than the big silhouette I saw, grabbed Subby, and I got us out of there. "YOU'LL SEE US AGAIN YOU PUNKS" I heard as we sprinted off. I tried to think of somewhere we could stay that they wouldn't find us, then it hit me, my arcade! I took him there and we went to the back room where we're safe no matter what.

~~time skip again😭~~

After I figured the coast was clear I woke up Subby and we went to my safe-house to spend a couple nights. It was probably gonna be longer than that but it's worth the wait if we both make it out alive.

(cliffhanger moment ahhhh i'm SO EXCITED FOR THIS PEOPLE ITS BEEN FOREVERRR😭) (947 words holy shit)

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