11 - Comfort

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(I'm running out if title ideas help me) (the song is good leave me alone)

Kapi's pov: I woke up this morning by the sound of dishes clashing back and forth. As I had guessed, y/n wasn't in bed. "Good morning." I said, walking down the stairs. "Mornin'" y/n responded. "Ah, my back still hurts" I said, sitting down on the couch. I opened my phone and saw I had a message from Aniko

Aniko: Kapi? Hay are you alright? I'm just checking on you

Kapi: Yeah, my back kinda hurts but I'm good

I hit send and went on tiktok

*time skip*

Kapi's pov: "I think I'll just stay inside for most of the day, don't want to risk another run in with Whitty." I said. "That's fine with me, that's just more time we can spend together!" Y/n said sitting down. Y/n was practically on top of me, but I didnt mind. All of a sudden I felt this weird sensation down my back. As I looked over I noticed y/n's hand was on my head and they were petting my head. I could tell I was blushing and I was... purring? This has to be a first. "Yknow, I-I've never h-had someone to l-love me like this." I said, stuttering from y/n still petting me. "Well, I don't see why. You're the most adorable cat I've ever met." Y/n said. That made me blush even more.

"Oh, I should go work on that car in the garage." I said, getting up. Y/n just nodded and I left for the garage. Once I got out there, opened the hood to see what was wrong with it, since i forgot. Hmm, it looks like the spark plug is disconnected. I took it out and it was snapped. Don't know how that happened, guess I gotta run to the store. I walked out casually trying to play it cool incase I run into whitty.

And of course, there was whitty, sitting just inside of the shade of the alleyway. "Well, well. Look who it is, you want a round 2 wimp?" He said. I didn't respond. "Hey! Don't ignore me you little shit!" He said, smacking the back of my head. I turned around and looked right at him. "Just leave me to myself you fucking lanky ass bomb headed bitch!" I yelled. His eyes widened. "Oh, you must want to die you little fuckin pussy." He said. He went to kick me and I jumped up to dodge it.

I pulled out a lighter and sped around him. I jumped on him and lit his fuse. As soon as I did, I left as fast as I could, all fours. He was chasing me but just barely could he keep up. I heard an explosion and stopped. When I turned around, I saw his body limp on the ground. He still had his head, but he looks dead. I just left him there and went to the auto shop to get the new spark plug. Good thing there wasn't anyone there. When I got home, I put the spark plug.in and tried to start the car. Sure enough, it fired up.

Such an abrupt end to this chapter I know, but I'm running off of asparagus and a banana so go ahead, debate me 569 words hahahahahahahah

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