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⚠️Rocketear spoilers

Adrien didn't know what to believe anymore. After hearing what Nino told him about his and Alya's idenitities, and that ladybug was the one who allowed them to know, he was upset. He felt betrayed and lied to.

Why doesn't she trust me?

Why can't I know anything while everyone else can know everything?

Why am I always left in the dark?

Does she even need me anymore?

I could quit and I bet she wouldn't care.

He lets out an annoyed groan as he smashes a pillow in his face. "Plagg, am I doing something wrong? Why doesn't she trust me? All I do is risk my life for her and she doesn't even give me to time of day. Should I just quit?"

"Adrien. Being guardian is a big role to take on, especially since she is Ladybug too. She is probably just very stressed and doesn't know who to trust." Plagg says almost sweetly.

"Wow Plagg that was actually kinda nice." Adrien says looking towards the flying cat.

"Don't get too excited." He grumbled. "Also we are almost out of my stash. We need more Cheese."

"Okay okay! I get it. Just let me chill out. I'm confused and upset and I don't know if I should believe Ladybug anymore. What should I do?" The blond oblivious boy asks, putting his face in his hands.

"I don't know. Find someone to vent to or something." Plagg says disinterested, gulping down another triangle of Camembert. "Maybe pigtails or someone like that."

"That's a great idea! Plagg-"

"Wait no not yet!"

"Claws out!" Adrien turns into Chat Noir and leaves out his window, leaping towards his civilian friend's house.

As he is about to reach the balcony of the blue haired girl, he notices her already on the balcony looking solemn. He landed the chimney behind her and mumbled out a "Hello."

She whips her head around, only to see the black leather wearing boy she was worried about in the first place.  "Hey Chat Noir. What are you doing here?" She asked turning back to the scenery as he hops onto the railing next to her.

"Well I was hoping to rant, and I know you are really trustworthy. But it seems like you have something on your mind as well." He answers and looks over at her. "Is there something wrong?"

"N-no, I'm fine. Just stressed from school and that bitch Lila." She replied, though she whispered the Lila part. He still heard it though and laughed lightly. "Anyways, what do you need to rant about?"

"Well I've been having some trust issues recently." He says with a sigh looking up at the sky. "Recently I found out something about Ladybug and the whole identities rule and it made me feel like she doesn't trust me. I can't really say much, but basically I found out she revealed the identities of two people to eachother or something along those lines, but continuously says I can't know anything about her or her life." He then looked back at Marinette who looked shocked. "And then it got me thinking about you as multimouse and Chloe as Queen Bee. And some of the other superheroes."

"W-what do you mean?" Marinette asked scared for the answer.

"Well when Chloe revealed herself to the whole city, she was still allowed to be Queen bee. Well until she eventually betrayed us. And even during Miracle Queen, Chloe revealed the identities of some superheroes to Hawkmoth. But they are still all allowed to be heroes. But with you, when only I knew of your identity, not even Hawkmoth, you weren't allowed to be Mulitmouse anymore. And it hurt me a little bit." He explained getting sad and irritated. "Is it something about me knowing? And why is it only me? Why do the other heroes get to know about eachother, but I'm always left in the dark?"

"Oh kitty.." Marinette lets out as she puts her hands on his cheeks making him look at her. "There's nothing wrong with you. I'm sure she does trust you and that everything is just a lot for her after everything. If you want anything to change you need to communicate. She can't read your mind." Marinette said with a smile. "And besides I was no good at being Multimouse, and I'd rather not be put in danger everyday."

He grabs her wrists with a shocked expression on his face. "Are you crazy?! You were amazing at being Multimouse! You used the Kwamis and my miraculous to help us and did it so well! We would have never been able to do it without you!"

She just stood there stunned at the sudden declaration from the cat boy, not being able to handle compliments as well when Marinette. "A-are you sure about that? I mean I revealed myself which was like the number one rule."

"See this is exactly what I'm talking about! You could still be an awesome superhero if Ladybug hadn't made up that stupid rule for us two! Why does everyone else get to know stuff but us?" He says as if she said something to prove a point he hasn't been able too yet.

"I guess that's true. But I don't mind it and she is in charge of the whole identities thing so I guess I have to follow." Marinette says waving her hand around while talking. "Besides if I knew your identity or she knew, then I bet you wouldn't be able to flirt willy-nilly all the time, huh?" She says with a smirk leaning closer to him.

"Oh but don't you love my flirting purrrincess..?" He flirts as she groans.

"God your puns are just as bad as your flirting." She lets out a little laugh but he smirks again.

"But it seems to have worked at some point since you did have a crush on me right?" He says leaning closer. "What was it? Oh that's right 'I'm in love with you!'" Her face flared up at the memory and he fell over laughing.

"I'm over that now. I bet you flirt with every girl you visit anyways." She says rolling her eyes a little, putting a hand on her hip.

"Oh but you're the only girl I visit." He smirks yet again.

"Well what about when you visited Alya? Is she not a girl?" Marinette laughs then pretends to be dramatic. "Oh Chat noir, flirting with my bestfriend! How dare you?" She put an arm on her forehead, her body bending back a bit.

He slings his arm around her waist as she leans. He pretends to be dramatic as well. "You're right! How dare I?" He looks down at her. "How could I ever make it up to you Princess?"

"Well I'm not sure! What do you think would be a fitting repayment?" She smiles up at him.

"I might have an idea, but alas, a Princess would never want anything to do with a Knight!" He exclaims dramatically.

"Are you sure about that my Knight?" He looks back into her eyes. "Looks can be deceiving."

"Well if you insist!" He smiles and leans towards her a bit. "May I princess?"

"You may, my Knight." She answers with a smile leaning on as well.

Just as they were about to lock lips, the Balcony trapdoor slams open as a frustrated Alya appears. The pair look at her in shock and Chat Noir quickly releases Marinette. "Well that's my cue. Uh, you didn't see nothing Wifi." He threatens as he leaps away leaving an embarrassed Marinette and a surprised Alya.

"You fell for another dumb blond. Goddamn." The reporter says.

"Shut up."

Hope you liked it! This was a little bit of a rant while also following how I think Adrien will break, then some Marichat flirting cause we deserve it!!

Request if you have any!

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